The Travelled Road To Success

By Mike McClain

There is a key factor seperating wanting to be successful and actually being successful. That factor is called belief. There are many people who want to be successful in life but the question is whether or not they actually believe they can be. If you do not actually believe that success can be for you then it is probably not going to be. One of the main factors in turning a dream into reality is that absolute belief that you can.While researching my own home based business I found that several of the internet gurus had actually reached rock bottom. They were buried in debt and working foolishly to get out. One common factor in all their cases was their firm belief that given the right opportunity with the right program could make them as successful as anyone else on the internet.

I would like to share some of the things I found they all had in common that led to their success. Each one of them had a dream of where they wanted to go in life but as I already mentioned they had a belief that they could get there. It wasn't important to them that the system might tell them they couldn't make it. The fact that friends and relatives laughed at them and sometimes even called them crazy didn't phase them. They didn't let it bother them that they said they could never make it. They put all the doomsayers aside and held to the belief that they could do it. They truly believed that if someone else could be successful on the internet that they had every chance too. I have run into those kinds of folks in my quest for a home based business but I have determined myself to believe and I have set my dream.

After they had finally defined their dream the next step was to become totally focused on that dream. They focused so intently that everything they did was about that dream. You may have heard the term focused put in another way. They put the blinders on. No matter what the distractions may have arisen they set their sites on that dream and everything revolved around it. Nothing was going to get their attention away from their dream. Set yourself a goal and no matter how far fetched it may seem focus your sites on it until it becomes a reality and you are running your own home based business.

Next they made the decision to live their success. Their lives were led as if they had already achieved their goal. Their dream had already been reached. While at work they were able to visualize what it would be like once their dream was achieved. As they were backing out of the garage they were able to see themselves doing the same thing at their dream home. Once on the road they were able to imagine driving down that same road in their dream car. They were doing what is called a practice run to prepare themselves for the day that it would happen. To reiterate your person can achieve what your mind can believe. There can be success in a home based business.

Success in a home based business can be defined as a set of steps arranged in an order to reach it. First you need to be certain that you truly believe that you can be successful. Second, you really do not want to be afraid to dream big. Third, you want to set yourself some goals no matter how much the friends and family laugh and condemn to be unreachable. Believe in yourself. Fourth, become so focused on your dream that it is the only thing that matters. Fifth, you want to live that life of success as if it were already a reality. You can choose success or you can choose to stay where you are. Then ask yourself where you will be five years from now. If you don't like the answer you can do what I did and choose a program that will get you down that road to success. - 31955

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