Transform Your life With Three Powerful Strategies: Developed By Missoula Chiropractor

By Dr. Shaun Stuto

When the clock strikes midnight, the ball will drop this New Years. The confetti will erupt and the champagne corks will fly. The final chapter of 2009 is quickly coming to an end and we prepare now to turn the page. Just as quickly as they started, the festivities will end. The buzz will die, and life will normalize just as the hangover starts to set in. The sun will rise, a new year will be upon us and life as we know it will be very much the same. Without a definite plan, the smoke and hope you have mustered up regarding changinng your life will smolder into cold ash. That is without a plan. Follow these three powerful strategies instead and create massive change in your life in 2010!

1. Begin with the end in mind- Is there something you want to accomplish this year? What do you want? To lose weight? Gain muscle? Make more friends? Have more time with your family? Your goals are yours. Establish goals in all aspects of your life starting with the end in mind. From there you can work backwards. All goals must be measurable and obtainable. To help you with the brainstorming process, utilize MindMapping software. You can download a free version of Free Mind and map your thoughts. Define EXACTLY what you want! Remember that fuzzy targets do not get hit!

2. Change the words in your head- Control your self talk because the 2500 words/minute running through your brain dictate who you are and what you are capable of. These messages are formed from what we learned by our mothers, fathers, teachers, preachers, coaches and big pharmacy. Realize right now you will change your life by leaps and bounds when you understand the power of self talk. Your brain only knows what you tell it. You are allowed to fool your brain. For example,tell yourself you are a multi-millionaire.Your brain will believe it. When you modify the words being spoken in your head, you will change your life

3. Write it down- By recording every bite of food that goes into your mouth this month, I promise you that you will lose 10 pounds in 30 days. Do not believe me? Do it and prove me wrong. Successful people keep score because they know what is at stake. Play every ace you have! Record your decisions and ask a friend if they believe the choices you are making are driving you closer to or further from your goal.

Implement these three powerful strategies today and believe they will change your life. Know that they will work! Fail forward FAST and without fear. If you want something to change in your life, YOU must change. Believe that everything you desire is obtainable and expect miracles to happen! I wish you a life of abundance! This is Dr. Shaun Stuto. - 31955

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Fear Will Work Against You

By Robert Hall

However, it doesn't matter how much you have learned if you have certain detrimental factors in operation in your life. One of the major obstacles you have to deal with is fear.

Fear takes on many faces-worry being one of them. When we fret and constantly meditate on negative thoughts concerning money, we activate the law of attraction and will unfortunately find ourselves in the very situation we are scared of.

Job is a character in the Bible that shows this principle at work. He was a godly and honest fellow who experienced severe trials in life. The reason is because he operated in fear much of the time. He cried out, "Behold, the thing I fear has come to visit me."-and it happened as he feared it would.

See, when we meditate on the lack of resources and worry about making money; then, what we fear will also come to visit us. The law of attraction will work however way you choose to direct it; whether it is in affirmative energy or fear.

How many individuals are there who live in expectation of lack so much so that they never truly lived? While they may have the money, they did not have financial freedom. They accumulated their funds in fear of poverty and in the end-- they did live a pauper's lifestyle.

Let me tell you something else about fear, it grows when you allow yourself to be bombarded with negative and pessimistic news. To be any kind of success in the world, you must learn to stop taking stock of all the opinions of people around you and listen instead to the sure and quiet voice within you.

In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill states that opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth, and they are. Everyone has some and they are only too willing to share it, regardless its validity. The quality of your life hinges on your decision on which voice you choose to heed.

Do not fear and choose to listen to God's counsel above all else. If it was good enough for a success like Napoleon Hill-it certainly is good enough for anybody who wants an amazing life. - 31955

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Greed Corrupts The Art of Persuasion Through Sales Forces

By David Drake

You possibly think that The Art of Persuasion has a lot to do with making sales, and you're correct to recognize that nothing could be further from the truth. The Art of Persuasion is not about teaching selfish and dishonest sales teams to cheat people into spending more money than they were originally willing to spend. This is why so many NLP trainers are immoral, because they socially condition sales forces to be selfish.

The Art of Persuasion is about authority, power, and equipping one with the capacity to see to it that they are treated reasonably. So, if anything, The Art of Persuasion should protect people from greedy sales forces instead of creating more greedy salespeople. I recently read some "garbage information" about how a car salesman was a timeless example of a talented persuasion specialist. Wrong!

A car salesman is a typical example of a deceitful person who will do everything in his power to make more money-even if this means lying to you in several ways in order to make higher commissions. In fact, the dishonestly and pathetic corruption of sales forces is so well known that each person who has ever purchased something has been pressured and tormented by their materialism. Even telemarketing companies are having their workforce taught in the title of "persuasion" to pester you more successfully when they bother you by calling you up on the telephone to make an effort to sell you products that you don't need and that you don't want.

The real Art of Persuasion has been lost because its truth has been altered by NLP trainers and master practitioners who make it their goal to give rise to trickery in every storeroom, car dealership, or shopping mall who will pay attention to them by making claims to increase sales margins by as high as 300% sometimes. But what most people are not aware of is that The Art of Persuasion exists on a much higher level than a car dealership. The Art of Persuasion is one's talent to direct social exchanges in such a way that they be able to make alliances with strong social structures in order to keep under control the social environments that they happen to be in.

The Art of Persuasion was designed to give people power and respect. It was never intended to transform hardworking people into deceptive sales machines who behave like licensed con artists. There is a substantial difference among a persuasion artist and a con artist. - 31955

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Self Improvement Tips You Can Use

By Tracee Bonderas

Normally when people want to make a significant improvement in their life they tend to start with the steps that attack the problem for example; signing up for a gym membership, quit smoking, eating a healthier diet or spending time with family and friends. But how do we know when is the best time to change for the better? The signs are all too common.

Feeling sluggish, poor diet, unhappy with your usual habits, concern about your future goals, life direction all are sure signs that there needs to be some sort of steadiness in your daily life. As one begins a quest for self improvement, they must adjust their mentality to reflect positive attitudes.

Interest in a self-improvement plan does not mean that a person is inadequate, but that they have certain needs, which are not being met by their current lifestyle. Figuring out how and where to begin can be a nightmare; but with a little bit of planning and organization, re-applying yourself to a proper life's path will be a lot easier.

Sit down and make a list of the major frustrations you find yourself feeling consistently, as well as the major ways you feel satisfied. Once this is done take a look at both the positive and negative aspects of the list and see if anything from the positive side can successfully alleviate any thing from the negative side of the list.

Simplifying these factors can greatly increase your chances of discovering the true nature of your frustrations and how to improve on them. Focusing on the positive side of the list and concentrating on all the factors that make your happiness and self esteem rise is a right step in the first step to self improvement.

You have to start somewhere, for some, committing to a healthier lifestyle of fitness and nutrition can get the ball rolling and for others perhaps it is the mindset and psychological motivation that will kick start your journey to a happier life style. Map out your starting point and your ultimate goals and in between list all the short term rally points that will lead up to that goal. Don't jump the gun too quick and concentrate on each rally point until you've met them and then continue to the next. By doing this with discipline you will see a growth in what ever area you are trying to achieve. - 31955

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3 Tips To Creating A Business Your Clients Will Love

By Annie Jennings

Want to be the one everyone wants to work with? Want to be the #1 "go to" person or expert in your topic area? No problem. Start with a good publicity and promotion strategy. Give yourself the opportunity to reach out to your target market People love to work with people they feel they know already, they love to work with businesses that treat them fairly and they love to work with people they trust. And it's easy to create a strong business that delivers these there elements of know, love and trust. But most of all, your business strategy should come from your heart.

Publicity outreach and promotion strategies help you stay visible to your customer base and target market. Be seen and be heard often via newspaper coverage, being on the radio as a guest expert or appearing on your local TV show as well. A good publicity and promotion strategy has your business everywhere, at all times. And be sure to include and internet campaign as well so when people google for services or professionals, your business comes up for them.

Treat each client fairly and with respect. You will soon earn a reputation of being a good solid business. Never underestimate the power of word of mouth both good and bad. The more your clients love you because of their great experience with you, the more people they will tell. When they are asked about working with you or buying your products they will have great things to say about you. However, the reserve is true with a bad experience. You can be sure they will tell everyone about the horrible thing that happened to them. So, take good care of your customers and be sure every aspect of your business model supports treating your customers like royalty.

Educate your clients with additional services that can help them make choices for themselves. Remember, the days of selling snake oil are over. You have to offer products or services that deliver the outcome for your client. No one likes the hard sell and it makes them not trust you. Adopt a philosophy and be consistent in your messages to your marketing. Keep your publicity, promotion and marketing strong, creative, message oriented and again, consistent.

Create a business with products and services in non-stop demand. Your business will enjoy substantial success if your clients know, love and trust you. Always put the customer or client ahead of anything else and guarantee your service and product. - 31955

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Which Celebrity Has Made A Cosmic Order?

By Carole Stracken

Recently Cosmic Ordering has gained a lot of attention. It appears that multitude of individuals want to place their cosmic order, however does it work?

Nearly everyone has heard of the secret and the law of attraction. However, you may like to know that cosmic order is more specific and permits you to have that which you desire.

If you could have the desires of your heart, what would you order into your life today? Is it your wish to be in perfect health, is it wealth and material items you wish or do you want a perfect mate? All of these things are free for the taking by asking for them when you employ the cosmic order system.

It really does seem to work, according to the multitudes of individuals the world over who swear by it as well as a large number of celebrity endorsements. Nevertheless, what really happens when you place your cosmic order? Moreover, why does it not work for everyone?

Many fail in reaping their rewards of their desires yet the process is simple. There are several reasons for this. One deals with holding onto an old belief system that there is never enough for everyone.

Some individuals never find it no matter how hard they try yet there is abundance all over the place. They believe that there is a limited supply and that the success of another takes it away from them. Then they become angry and jealous with those that do seem to have it all.

This belief will actually block the rewards that they desire. This then signals the brain once again that there will never be enough for them to have anything. The Universe is signaled, while consequently fulfilling this prophecy by such brain activity.

Another reason that many are not successful deals with holding on to a belief that there is not enough for them to share in the success. They may get excited for others; however, they hold no such belief for their own success. For instance, you may overhear someone buying a lottery ticket say, I never win anything. This helps them not to become so disappointed, since they hold a belief that some higher power will fulfill their desire for success by acknowledging their own current lack.

It does not work like that. You can place your cosmic order accompanied by a simple phrase to determine your destiny.

Lastly, the desires of many are not achieved, because they hold no true belief for having what they desire. Their desire becomes blocked by this negative energy. It is their belief of their uniqueness and desire as well as their ability to obtain their desires that holds no universal value and then their experience of possibility when making a cosmic order is seized.

If you look at your beliefs and find you fall into this category, you need to do some serious reprogramming. You have to eliminate the old belief system and begin to see yourself as the unique and important person you are. You are no better than anyone else, but theres nobody better than you.

A divine right to happiness, wealth and health, belongs to all earthly creatures. However, you must release the past and believe that you do deserve your desires.

You can use cosmic ordering easily when you have the right tools. Scientific studies shows prove that the concept works. The commonsensical ideal behind the secret has eluded humans for centuries, however some of it has been revealed by quantum physics.

You can ensure that cosmic order is successful for drawing your desires to you. Essentially, you should remain positive. Making positive affirmations, self-hypnosis and meditation are helpful.

You can instantly change the state of your mind in order to communicate with the universe, by using special sound frequencies known as binaural tones, which are recent developments in sound technology. You notice quicker results by using this technology to aid you in clearing away your old beliefs much quicker.

At one time, only true believers of a religious sect or mystics were those who used the cosmic order system. However, today, everyone can take advantage of all these possibilities. You can achieve your desires while uniting science and the wisdom of the ancients. - 31955

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The Travelled Road To Success

By Mike McClain

There is a key factor seperating wanting to be successful and actually being successful. That factor is called belief. There are many people who want to be successful in life but the question is whether or not they actually believe they can be. If you do not actually believe that success can be for you then it is probably not going to be. One of the main factors in turning a dream into reality is that absolute belief that you can.While researching my own home based business I found that several of the internet gurus had actually reached rock bottom. They were buried in debt and working foolishly to get out. One common factor in all their cases was their firm belief that given the right opportunity with the right program could make them as successful as anyone else on the internet.

I would like to share some of the things I found they all had in common that led to their success. Each one of them had a dream of where they wanted to go in life but as I already mentioned they had a belief that they could get there. It wasn't important to them that the system might tell them they couldn't make it. The fact that friends and relatives laughed at them and sometimes even called them crazy didn't phase them. They didn't let it bother them that they said they could never make it. They put all the doomsayers aside and held to the belief that they could do it. They truly believed that if someone else could be successful on the internet that they had every chance too. I have run into those kinds of folks in my quest for a home based business but I have determined myself to believe and I have set my dream.

After they had finally defined their dream the next step was to become totally focused on that dream. They focused so intently that everything they did was about that dream. You may have heard the term focused put in another way. They put the blinders on. No matter what the distractions may have arisen they set their sites on that dream and everything revolved around it. Nothing was going to get their attention away from their dream. Set yourself a goal and no matter how far fetched it may seem focus your sites on it until it becomes a reality and you are running your own home based business.

Next they made the decision to live their success. Their lives were led as if they had already achieved their goal. Their dream had already been reached. While at work they were able to visualize what it would be like once their dream was achieved. As they were backing out of the garage they were able to see themselves doing the same thing at their dream home. Once on the road they were able to imagine driving down that same road in their dream car. They were doing what is called a practice run to prepare themselves for the day that it would happen. To reiterate your person can achieve what your mind can believe. There can be success in a home based business.

Success in a home based business can be defined as a set of steps arranged in an order to reach it. First you need to be certain that you truly believe that you can be successful. Second, you really do not want to be afraid to dream big. Third, you want to set yourself some goals no matter how much the friends and family laugh and condemn to be unreachable. Believe in yourself. Fourth, become so focused on your dream that it is the only thing that matters. Fifth, you want to live that life of success as if it were already a reality. You can choose success or you can choose to stay where you are. Then ask yourself where you will be five years from now. If you don't like the answer you can do what I did and choose a program that will get you down that road to success. - 31955

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Learn How To Develop Clairvoyance

By Declan Dunn

You have probably heard of clairvoyance a whole lot in psychic commercials and ads. But did you know that anyone can develop clairvoyance? Clairvoyance is an ability that everyone has, it is just a matter of whether or not one is willing to take the steps to develop it. It is like learning a new skill. It can be the same as trying to play the guitar. With practice, you will become very good at it.

However, if you arent familiar with the term, here's what clairvoyance is: this is the ability to know things which are not perceivable by the five senses and even the ability to know things before they happen. It's a psychic ability which all of us can use if we take the time to develop it.

If you'd like to develop clairvoyance, you have a lot to gain. Being able to use your clairvoyant abilities will give you a new perspective on life and even give you inner peace and happiness. You'll discover a level of mental clarity and creative resources you didn't know you had. The only downside to exercising your clairvoyant talents is that you have to be more vigilant about protecting yourself from negative energy.

Sense becoming clairvoyant means that you are going to be more sensitive to the energies around you, you will need to make sure that you avoid negative people, places, and things. There will be times that you run into these types of situations, they are pretty much unavoidable. But when you do, just make sure that you do something positive to get rid of those energies. If more people took the time to develop their clairvoyant abilities, they would have a much easier time learning how to rid themselves of negative moods and the energies that plague them.

Try these methods to help you quickly develop clairvoyance:

Rid yourself of negative possessions. If you have possessions in your home that bring you bad vibes or feelings, then get rid of them. Get everything out of your life that gives off bad or evil vibes to you. It could be the clothes of a dead relative or the hat of an old boyfriend. Whatever it is, as long as it makes you feel negative, you do not need it in your life. Have a bonfire for everything that you do not want in your life and home and allow that to cleanse you of your negativity.

Meditation: Make 30 minutes every day for meditation. Choose somewhere quiet where you can sit or walk and clear your head. This allows you to catch your breath and think somewhere away from the pressures of your daily routine.

Meditation is great for releasing stress as well. You will find it difficult to develop clairvoyance if your mind is cluttered with unnecessary thoughts. You need this time, and all that matters is that you are alone and completely at peace when you are doing it. Combine this time with some deep breathing techniques and you will be completely relaxed afterwards.

Learn to trust your feelings and your instincts: When you're in touch with these aspects of your personality, it will be much easier for you to develop clairvoyance. Let your instincts be your guide. If something feels like the right move, then it more than likely is the next step you need to take on the path to unlocking your psychic talents.

Trust your hunches. Do not doubt yourself. Having low self-esteem is not going to help either. You must be confident in your thoughts and feelings if you want to be able to develop your clairvoyant abilities. Doubting your instincts will just damage your capabilities. You may be nervous about it, but just go with it.

Let go and let your feelings and instincts take you where they will. Children are often thought to be much more clairvoyant than adults are because of their no-worries and carefree attitudes. When they feel something is not right, they do not hold back, they express those feelings every time. We should all practice letting go of our rigid and negative personality traits and worries and just let go. You will be surprised at where your hunches and feelings will guide you.

Every single person already possesses psychic talents including clairvoyance. These are things which are latent in all of us and with the right kind of preparation and training, they will come to the fore and you will benefit from these natural talents.

Affirmations are one way to help you develop clairvoyance. Hypnosis is another valuable tool whether you choose to work with a professional hypnotist or to use self hypnosis via clairvoyance development recordings. Hypnosis allows for communication with the part of your mind where your psychic abilities lie: the subconscious. When your subconscious gets the message that it should allow your clairvoyant abilities to come out, you'll be able to feel the difference quickly.

Properly caring for the energy centers of your body, the chakras, is also very important if you want to develop clairvoyance. Your chakras need to be cleansed of negative energy and kept in balance, especially the crown and third eye chakras which control your psychic abilities.

As you can see, anyone who wants to can develop clairvoyance powers. As a matter of fact, if most of us were not so tied down and inhibited by the responsibilities and tasks of this world and made the effort, we would find that we can develop clairvoyance powers very easily. All we need to do is to not be so negative, learn to cleanse our energies, and just relax! - 31955

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Money Must Circulate

By Robert Hall

Is money just pieces of paper passed around as means of exchange for goods and services? What is it that makes money such an important commodity to have?

We have discussed about the attributes of money and effective methods on making money. We learn about how to gain financial freedom and we have looked up all the facts on wealth building that we know. This is beneficial for us but there is one more quality you must know about money-money must circulate.

Money is only valuable when it circulates. What does it matter how much time you spend making money when you're not going to use it? It seems like common sense to most of us; but there have been many individuals who have sacrificed their quality of life on futile wealth building because they do not truly appreciate this truth.

There is a story about a man named Mr. Chapman. He was a junk dealer who would go around the streets collecting old junk people have discarded and selling these things for whatever he can get for them. He never seemed to become rich enough to change the way he lived and eventually he passed away.

Because he had no close relatives and friends nearby, the authorities had to come in his property to take stock of all that he has left behind. You would expect all the old memorabilia and junk from him-but imagine the surprise of the policemen rummaging the place to find boxes and boxes of cash amounting to more than $100,000 in the house.

You would think that $100,000 is the very definition of financial freedom; but not one person could say that the elderly junk dealer was ever a success. He had the dusty money, but because he never used it for himself or other people-the cash was as good as the old cast-offs he used to collect.

This is not to mean you spend all that you earn and live in a foolhardy fashion-- not at all. Money is meant to be used for you to enjoy a quality of life everybody deserves to have. Be prudent in your handling of finances, but never lose sight of the purpose and place money has in your life.

We think that poor Mr. Chapman was a foolish old man who should have known better but really, many people who become rich are guilty of the same crime of accumulating without really using their wealth well. Ultimately, your success lies not in the amount you have amassed-- but by the life you have lived. - 31955

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How To Remove The Rules That Are Limiting Your Abundance

By Eric Johnson

We live with many rules about how we should feel. When we believe we have to feel a certain way given our circumstances, we are enslaved to our emotions. If we are stuck in traffic we think we should feel angry and anxious, so we do. If a loved one is sick we think we should feel worried and afraid. If it's cloudy outside, we think we have to feel bad.

Now you may find that some of your reactions seem almost pre-programmed, beyond your control, and without a doubt you're right. For our entire lives we've been told what to do and how to live, what's more important and what to avoid, from family, caregivers, teachers, television, the list goes on and on. It is easy to mistake all these incoming signals as rules and guidelines for how to live. They are not. The moment you allow yourself to break free from outside dictates and embrace your own standards for happiness, you are free.

It is the accumulation of all these incoming instructive messages that we call programming, much like each channel on your television carries specific programming. Over the many years you've been alive these various messages have been imprinted into your subconscious mind, and this programming controls the wheel and drives you through much of your day. Your subconscious mind initially held onto each of these signals as a means to protect you, but these beliefs will not serve you as you seek prosperity. They will only hold you back.

Unfortunately, not all our limiting beliefs and feelings go away when they are no longer needed. Because these fears and negative emotions block us from abundance, it is important to rid ourselves of them. We resist abundance because part of our mind believes it's unsafe or not right for us to have it. When we clear our limiting beliefs we begin to believe that we deserve abundance; then we attract abundance to our lives.

Energy techniques can help us change the programmed rules that limit our abundance and happiness.

Gratitude List

One way to change your energy is through the creation of a gratitude list. This inventory will show you all of the wonderful things you have for which to be thankful. It focuses your thoughts on positive things and shows you that you already experience success and ampleness each day. On days when you struggle to find something to be grateful for, be grateful for your breath. It is instrumental in keeping you alive. It nourishes your body. You are successful at breathing and nourishing your body with that breath. Therefore, you are successful in at least one thing. Focus on this and you will see that you have the capacity for success. Here's one way to look at it. Is it more important to be a person who successfully breathes or a person who successfully facilitates an important business merger? If you aren't breathing, the merger won't happen. If you can breathe, then you are successful and the day is good. So, you certainly have something for which to be thankful.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is an energy modality based on acupuncture. Chinese medicine practitioners have been using acupuncture for thousands of years to increase the flow of energy through the body. Energy flows through the body along pathways called meridians. When the meridians are blocked we are out of balance, which is a state of illness or disease. Our natural, balanced state is health, wellbeing, and happiness. EFT frees us from programmed limitations and helps us restore our natural state of joy, balance, and flow.

EFT helps us to move beyond the confines others have set for us and brings us closer to the abundance we seek. Once untied from the restrictions of our misguided beliefs we can begin to uncover our true self and find that we are happy, healthy, loving people who enjoy prosperity.

Gratitude lists and EFT are two ways of changing your energy to eliminate programmed limitations and attract abundance to your life. - 31955

Cosmic Ordering Secrets Revealed Free By Mind Power Professional Stephen Richards"

By Stephen Richards

Creating what you desire with the power of the mind has to have some application of effort on your behalf before you can begin. By following these methods from me, Stephen Richards, you are on the right path, forget about other procedures or methods you have previously used. These methods here are unique to Cosmic Ordering. This is free, unique information that you will not be able to get from the soothsayers on the web without regretting it.

Set your mind for what it is you desire, something small to start with. Now with your eyelids closed, look up with your eyes to the inside of your forehead. Do not overly strain your eyes. Now count down slowly from 100 down to 1. You may get halfway and find your eyes are straining, that's fine ... just stop, open your eyes and rest for a while. When you are easily able to get down from the count of 100 to 1 then you can move to the next stage. This may take a few days to master, but do persevere.

Here follows the basic foundations for becoming a successful master of mind power. In your mind's eye visualise yourself wearing one of those tricorn hats (also known as a tri-cornered hat or three-cornered hat). Feel it on your head, close your eyes, allow the hat to stay in its triangular shape, and imagine it having an apex, right above the crown of your head. Focus your eyes as you did in the looking up to your forehead task. Now visualise a powerful sphere of energy that is purple in colour descending from above you and entering your head through the apex of the hat. Let the words of your order be released to the sphere as it waits to collect your order. Once it has absorbed your order then it leaves the way it came in. The whole process should not take any longer than the time it would take you to brush your teeth. That is a very basic and beginner's way to place an order.

When you first place an order you can use what is called a 'step order'. This is for something small, it is just to get you familiar with how it works and to see if you are doing it right. Once you start amassing those step orders then you can move on to the larger ones.

When you are a beginner you will find that you want it to happen immediately, your impatience can cause your vibrational output to drop or even stop ... hence nothing happens! Do not question why it is not happening. Never show any signs of desperation! Be patient.

It is vital that your level of optimism is maintained at an elevated state for this to have a successful outcome. Place little emphasis on what you have just asked for, however do leave subtle reminders around your home of what you have asked for. Create a 'wish' board, cut out images from magazines, etc and make a collage of what you desire.

Before moving on to the advanced levels of manifesting your desires or wealth creation, ensure you have a firm grasp of this method first. The advanced level which I have covered in my book 'Cosmic Ordering: You Can Be Successful' will take you to new heights of manifesting. I wrote this book because it seemed that no one had any idea of what it took to really manifest desires, so many people were becoming angry at their failures after following incorrect methods, and rightly so. - 31955

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The Realities of Losing a Job

By Ron Knowles

Suppose for a moment that you have lost your job for one reason or other. You made a fairly good income and now you are facing a period of time collecting unemployment benefits that of course are considerably less than what you had earned at your job. Let's also take into consideration that the waiting period until you collect your first unemployment check takes you past your due dates on most of your bills and you are charged late charges on some of them. This actually happens a lot!

If you are statistically part of the norm the use of credit and charge cards is probably a part of your lifestyle. These extra bills are much harder to pay on because of your unemployment income and some of them may go unpaid or the bare minimum in charges are being paid.

As so often happens, a month may come when you don't have quite enough money to pay one or two utility bills. You know, a birthday, a doctor visit or something that demands immediate payment for service or product. You tell yourself that you will make double payments on the next month and you keep your word on that. But now there isn't enough to pay your credit and/or charge card bills and on and on and on.

You may be getting collection calls from your creditors or threatening letters in the mail. Although you may feel all alone in your predicament, trust me you're not alone. This is happening to thousands upon thousands of people in the same boat as you. What most of you fail to understand however, is that behind the scenes something much more sinister is developing.

I imagine you want to get back to work as soon as possible and get all your bills paid up. You have been applying for so many jobs that your head is spinning. Unemployment benefits just aren't cutting it. Despite this you have been interviewing, submitting resumes on line and networking with everyone you know. You have also decided to take a lower-paying job than you had before and even in a job that you may not be that experienced.

Here's the thing most job applicants don't know. Many, many companies now run a credit report on job applicants. Your recent late-payments and what might appear to be a non-payment history is now working against you. If you have ever seen a credit report there are no explanations as to why payments were late. The three major credit-reporting companies Equifax, Experian and Trans Union only show your credit score which is calculated on a timely payment, late payment or non-payment basis. Oh, and by the way your score has dropped considerably since you got behind on your bills. If you had a car repossessed or lost your home through default your credit is now as bad as it can get.

To sum up, losing a job (even through no fault of your own) can cause a domino effect that will not only ruin your credit rating but it will negatively impact your chances of getting another job, too. With the jobless rate being as high as it is and the possibility of any kind of recovery being as slim as it is, I can only recommend that people begin thinking of alternative ways to earn a living.

Turning to crime and robbing 7-Eleven stores or banks sure isn't the answer to your problems but becoming an Internet affiliate like I did could sure put some money in your pocket. You don't want to give up on yourself and just quit. Your situation may seem pretty bad right now but I have to tell you, what you know and the talents you have are marketable. You just need to find out from those who know what they're doing how to capitalize on YOU. - 31955

About the Author:

Cosmic Ordering Guide Stephen Richards Shows How To Make Wealth Creation Work For You"

By Stephen Richards

Why is it that your life is only trundling along while everyone else seems to be leaving you standing in the wealth stakes? Life really can be a real drag in making ends meet, and all those other lotto winners are just ... well you get the idea! What if you could change your losing streak into a winning one! I, Stephen Richards, have the answer for you with Cosmic Ordering Mind Power!

What must it feel like to live a luxurious lifestyle? No doubt about it, you've thought of it a lot but just don't seem to be able to find the shortest route to utopia. To be able to spend a month at time on the Algarve, to be able to indulge yourself and give yourself a treat whenever you want is easily within your grasp.

I do not want to go rubbing salt into your proverbial wounds of poverty, but what has inspired me to write this article is the amount of misleading information about wealth creation being sold via online methods! I cannot stand by and watch as you are trapped in deprivation when you too can so easily achieve that BIG success you yearn for. So forget these internet E-books, most if not all are worthless for wealth creation.

Let me, your cosmic guide, give you some no cost information about the cosmic law of attraction and show you how to turn your life around. I am giving you the foundations to success, and anyone with a modicum of intelligence can do it.

Absolutely no one I am aware of uses the specific methods you will successfully use to manifest your desires. What is manifesting? It is simply the ability to materialise what you want. A very easy mind power method will activate your dormant abilities to do what has been long forgotten by mankind.

Now you can draw items you desire to you through physically connecting to the universe. It's simply a matter of sending that desire out to the cosmos by use of easy to follow methods. This involves increasing your vibrational connectivity with the universe.

Preparing yourself to manifest has a few preliminaries, one of which is that obviously you need a positive belief in your abilities to manifest your desires. That immediately starts positive vibrational energy flowing from within you, and that is the attractor factor. By remaining in this state you will continually draw your desires to you.

Be specific bout your desires. Use positive words when formulating your desire into an order. Rather than just demand the newest model straight out of the showroom, be realistic. Rome wasn't built in day, so manifesting a new car is not going to be your first order!

For instance, asking for good health has to be worded correctly too, as otherwise you could end up paying a visit to hospital for that 'good health' you requested. What you should ask for is that your good health continues and that, in a safe and natural way, you will maintain that good health and allow your body to release its healing energy within you to continue that good health. The same applies to any order you place, for wealth, health, advancement and anything else.

That is the simplest form of placing an order to the cosmos, but should you wish to use advanced techniques then I have the answer for you. With my guidance in a book I have written you will find how easy it is to become a fully fledged member of the jet-set lifestyle. In the meantime do continue to stay upbeat within yourself and continue to enjoy that frame of mind when placing your orders. When in this state of mind just allow those positive words about what you want to come into your head, and that is how easy it is to use mind power as a beginner. - 31955

About the Author:

Getting The Best Workable And Usable Bill Organizer For You

By Edwardo Amabo

When you decide to organize your bills, you will quickly find that there are literally thousands of systems, organizers, and techniques for taking control of your debts. The type of system that will work for you will be very individualized and may even include a combination of systems. The most important thing is that you have an organizer that works for you and that you can stick with. This bill organizer can help you to be in control of your income and outgo and provide you with a way to maintain consistent payment plans on debts.

Finding the system that will work for you will be an important step in finding the best system for you. The downturn in the economy over the last few years have required many people to change their spending habits. Some people who have never had to watch their spending have been put in a position where they must now keep careful track of their income and outgo.

A person who has never really kept track of their spending or bills may find organizing their bills a challenge. Another challenge will be re-prioritizing bills to be paid over the course of a month instead of at one time during the month. When the schedule for bill paying changes, it is very easy for bills to get lost or slip between the cracks.

Gathering all of your bills will be the major step to take in organizing your bills. You will want to keep a record of the date due, the balance owed, and the amount that is paid each month. Once all of the bills have been recorded, you can prioritize your bills and figure out which week certain bills will be paid. The key to making this system functional is to be sure that you refer to the sheet often and pay the bills when they are supposed to be paid.

When you have a home business, it is important to keep separate organizers for your personal and business expenditures and bills. The organizer that you keep for your business can contain important tax information and, if you have a scanner, you can scan receipts into a file for your receipts. This will make filing taxes much easier.

Planning for savings just as you do for other bill paying will help you to build up a savings for an emergency or trip. When you have a plan for an expenditure, it is easier to afford the item that is being purchased. Using a bill organizer you will not be surprised by bills that have been forgotten or misplaced.

If you want to improve your credit score, a bill organizer is a great step to achieve this goal. Including debts that are on your credit history and paying them off one at a time will reduce the debts and improve your credit score at the same time. Knowing what the past due bills are on your credit history and planning on paying them off using a bill organizer is easier than trying to save money without any clear goals in mind.

Finding the bill organizer that will work best for you will depend on your preferences. Some people like keeping a journal that they design to record their income and outgo. Other people prefer a computer program that is easy to work with and has other features and functions to make paying bills easier. The system that you choose should be something that fits in with your lifestyle and that you can stick with for the long term. - 31955

About the Author:

The Straw Giving Farmer - Becoming Rich

By Masami Sato

A rich man born out of giving!

There is a Japanese folk tale about the power of giving and it exemplifies how we can get the most wonderful of gifts when we're gifting things to others and are positive about what we have already got.

Here is the story.

A long time ago, there lived a penniless young farmer. Nothing that he did turned out to be profitable. He was completely impoverished without any money, without anyone to help and nothing to eat. One night, totally at his wit's end, he went to a shrine and sat near the altar and pleaded to Gods to show him what to do.

"I have always been truthful and assiduous, but all my industry never resulted in anything good for me. What did I do wrong?"

He slept at the feet of the deity after having put that question. In the morning, just as he woke up, one of the Gods of his dream appeared before him enveloped in a brilliant golden light. The voice of the God resounded in his mind.

"When you wake up today, treasure the very thing you have in your hand and keep giving it generously to others on your way," the God whispered.

The farmer woke up. He still had many questions jumping through his mind but he lifted himself up and tried to shake off the strangely vivid dream he just had. To his surprise, he saw a piece of straw in his hand. Maybe it was on his clothes after the long day of fieldwork.

He nearly dropped it to the ground, but stopped for a moment remembering what the God said. He sat down again. And looked at the straw.

He sat for a while unable to comprehend what all that meant. He did not know how a piece of straw can turn out to be useful. Then he saw a wasp hovering around. After a while the wasp settled on one end of his straw. He caught it and with the help of a thread from his clothes, tied it to the straw. And with a wasp at the end of his straw, he went on his way.

He had proceeded only a bit when he saw a woman and her child coming from the opposite direction. The child was crying. When he wished them, the boy saw the straw in the farmer's hand with a wasp dangling at the end. The child was curious and asked the farmer if he could have it. He was about to refuse when he remembered how God had told him to cherish what he had and also at the same time to give to others what he had. So he offered the straw to the child. The mother became happy since the child stopped crying because of the gift. In return for the straw the lady gave the man three tangerines.

The farmer moved on. As he proceeded, he felt hungry. He was about to eat the tangerines when he again remembered that what was important was giving things to others, not giving it to himself.

As he went over a steep hill, he saw a merchant sitting down on the ground by a tree. Next to him was a wooden box. The farmer said hello to the merchant. He seemed to be exhausted. The merchant saw the tangerines in the farmer's hand and asked if he minded giving him the tangerines. He said he was so thirsty.

The farmer was also equally thirsty as the day was hot and he had walked pretty long, still he gave all the three tangerines to the trader. The man ate all the three tangerines and felt fully energized. He felt very thankful to the farmer who was so kind. To show his gratitude, he opened the box that he had kept near him. The box contained several bolts of hand dyed silk. The trader took out one roll, gifted it to the farmer and left.

So off the farmer went again following the path. He found a stream along the way and he took a deep drink making him feel totally refreshed. Life seemed to be easier and was flowing now.

He walked for some more time but did not come across anyone else. He felt that the silk might be that which would bring him something good. So he chose to go to a town in the vicinity and trade the fabric.

But as soon as he turned the corner, he found a group of soldiers. One of them, who appeared to be the leader of the group, was standing near a horse that had fallen on the ground. The leader of the soldiers was saying something to the men of his group.

"It does not appear that this horse would live much. We will have to leave it here. Nurse it well and catch up with me." With this the leader jumped on to another horse and rode off, moving out of people's sight.

The fighters who remained there conferred among themselves as to what to do. They had no interest in putting it to death but there was no other option. Finally one of them drew the sword.

The farmer quickly ran over to them and asked them to stop. He said he would like to look after the horse. He also offered the silk fabric to the warriors. They jumped at the offer and took off very quickly.

The farmer stood there with the horse that was in its death throes. He felt he might have got it all wrong and that he was not destined to be wealthy. Then he thought of the river that he had come across on the way.

He turned back and went to the river, removed his shirt and immersed it in the river to get water for the horse. He went back to the animal lying on the earth and pressed the water out of the shirt gently into its mouth. As the water went inside drop by drop, the animal slowly got recharged and finally the farmer was able to help it stand up.

Once the horse could stand, the farmer was able to take it to the river. The horse drank directly from the river and the farmer also led it to the patches of grass nearby. Very soon the animal was rejuvenated.

The farmer now had a companion. They journeyed together, the horse in front, and the farmer panting behind to keep up with it. They traveled for miles in that manner. At last, as the sun was about to set, the animal came to a stop just in front of a rather big house. When the farmer drew alongside, the horse pushed him in the direction of the gate with its snout.

When the farmer moved towards it, the gates opened and an old man came out of the house. The old man had dashed out of the house and he looked wan. He spotted the horse and the farmer, both just in front of the house.

The old man asked the farmer what it was that he needed. The farmer said that he wanted a place where he could sleep at night. The old man queried the farmer if he would mind looking after the house till his return as he had to leave for the nearby town on a pressing matter. He also said that it might take some time for him to return.

The old man looked as if he was in a hurry, so the farmer told him he can take his horse. The old man was very grateful about it and immediately left with the horse. As he left, he said something totally unexpected to the farmer.

"If I do not come back in three years' time, this house belongs to you."

As you probably guessed, the old man never returned.

The farmer stayed in the big house for the remainder of his life with a land that yielded a rich harvest and had friendly neighbours. And he always remembered to give away whatever he had.

Thank you for going through this story. And what is the message that it contains?

Maybe there is a key to something. When we can turn our 'getting game' into a 'giving game', our life often flows bringing more abundance. But it is not always easy to practice the old wisdom in our real life.

Given below are the remarkable factors that we can glean from the story:

* When we are willing to provide what others want, their value for it enhances more than when we are trying to 'barter' it (as mostly we hope to get something out of it) since they compare the price with what we expect for it and would obviously pay less.

* When we are not possessive of whatever we have, we will perceive that we thereby have more chances as we can release the existing possessions.

* When what life offers is not a bed of roses, instead of concentrating on the difficulty if we kept our attention on giving and sharing, life is sure to bring in good things later.

* When we try to encash what we have created, believing that "this is the maximum it will bring", as we think we might be the loser if it is not turned into cash, our life will stagnate. Instead of that, we should continue to give liberally whatever we have got and however wealthy we are or we are not.

Giving is intrinsic in the lives of many who have made it to the top. When giving is done first, we are better able to lead a life of grandeur, comfort and glory. - 31955

About the Author:

Discover Your 'Giving Bee' Personality

By David Anttony

Bumblebees are all giving by nature. They give naturally to maintain the environment of abundance. But each bumblebee actually takes a different role in maintaining the colony as well as the flower garden. So, I thought human beings are the same. We are all naturally giving and sharing. But we often express our giving in different ways. So, here it is a 'giving bumblebee' chart where you can find your bee type. Watch out for the following bumblebee analysis! The more you share your value as a giving bumblebees, the more we can all do together to make a difference.

Check here for image:

Bee type analysis

1. Change-making bumblebee

A giving bumblebee who likes to see change - who spots every opportunity to do something better and worthwhile. A change-making bumblebee often starts up new amazing projects for others to participate in. A flexible thinker who can collaborate well with others while often taking a leadership role in making change. Many business leaders and inventors are this type of giving bumblebee. They are not afraid of opening to change.

2. Believing bumblebee

A giving bee who believes in one core ideas very strongly and inspire others to follow. Rather than changing all the time and being too flexible, this giving bumblebee attracts everyone by being solid like a rock and integral to the steadfast belief and vision. Some of the religious leaders as well as politicians are this type of giving bumblebee. Believing bumblebees makes for a great leader who attracts masses of followers. This bumblebee also can be a great follower who strongly supports an existing belief and excites others to come together.

3. Caring and nurturing bumblebee

A giving bumblebee who may not stand out as a strong leader but actually are the biggest heart focused giver. A caring and nurturing bee is selfless in giving and is always first to take the giving action when seeing anyone in trouble. Though this bumblebee seems gentle and subtle, the strong desire to give and care for others drives this giving bumblebee to present some incredible giving acts. Many people who dedicate their lives to giving (volunteering, community service etc) are this type of bumblebee. Giving is more natural to them.

4. Supporting and uniting bee

A giving bumblebee who sees the biggest value in connecting and collaborating in effective partnerships. This giving bee is very focused on finding existing great ideas, mechanisms, philosophies or beliefs to benefit the community. It tends to support what resonates with him/her more often than coming up with a brand new way. A supporting and uniting bee is less attached to own way and has more flexible thinking while being quite strategic about what to support. Rather than taking direct action emotionally, this bee sees the value in creating the sustainable unity. Long-term 'quiet' charity givers and people who take low profile in community giving but stick to the same project for a long time are more often than not this type of bee.

Original article is at: - 31955

About the Author:

Turning Crisis Into Opportunity

By Masami Sato

How we should react when economy slows down.

When the global financial market is in turmoil the first thing most people think of doing is holding onto things and cutting expenditure. And they automatically assume (because the newspapers tell them) that everyone is acting that way.

However, each and every person ISN'T doing so. There are sections of the society which prosper, come what may. Those, who feel surprised about this odd equation, can find the clue for it in a most obvious place where they might have missed it. It might be worthwhile to analyse it together.

Whenever there is a downward trend, whatever it is, the best way to overcome it is by rising higher than it. If we drift with the wind and go where it takes us, we might find ourselves in dire straits, waiting for the wind's mercy for deliverance.

The fact is that when we know our strength and can hold sway over ourselves, we can rise above the mundane and not worry about what is going on all around. Let us visualise it properly.

'Go-getters' or 'Go-contributors'

Let's say we want more - more profits, a pay raise, more holidays, more freedom, and more opportunities.

When we yearn for a thing, our response is to try to get it. By that yardstick everybody is a 'Go-getter'. And a 'go-getter' is understood as a dynamic, enterprising person with leadership qualities. Such an attitude is a prime requirement for succeeding in life as we understand it. Nevertheless, there is an innate conundrum. When these approaches are put into practice, there are certain unanticipated, though unavoidable upshots.

The crux of the problem is that after 'getting' and 'owning' a thing, what eventually happens is 'dropping' it. We either actually throw it away or become indifferent to it.

Then our interest swings to something else. This continuous swaying of interest is the biggest issue; the widening interests becoming a never-ending circle of desires so that we are never satisfied with what we have. It becomes a sort of junk food dependency!

So what if we turned our 'desire to get' into a desire to provide?

Most of you are aware that the act of providing gives a sense of fulfillment. This ensues from gratefulness and not from panic or avarice. A person can go on providing more and receive more and know full satisfaction in the voyage of life.

Our generous and giving attitude creates generous and giving customers and team members while our price consciousness and 'getting attitude' attracts precisely those types of customers and team members. And they're the very ones we don't want!

Creative capitalism

Most enterprises are conscious of this now. Companies have now started providing for others in myriad ways. A complete change has come over as companies understand how the idea of giving is crucial to their business. In an article in TIME Magazine in July 2008, it was Bill Gates who coined the word 'Creative Capitalism.'

He explained that helping others might be the fine deciding point that could persuade people to prefer one product to another.

The gist of what Bill Gates is saying is that when an enterprise is associated with the idea of providing in any manner, that enterprise and its products become more appealing to clients. It carves out a niche for itself far above that of others.

Creative Capitalism is about rising above what we reluctantly settle for to reach what we truly aspire to. When we can capitalise on our ideas and imagination in a way that benefits and nurtures the wider community and network; we stop wasting our resources, efforts and talents in trying to temporarily win. We start creating the real win for ourselves and for the sustainability of our global economy.

The attraction of effective giving

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the phrase that's often used to describe giving back at a corporate level. It's becoming almost a required part of corporate business practice. Yet when it's done out of a sense of obligation or with the intent to just make ourselves look good, people eventually get what it is. It still is a temporary strategy.

Individuals and enterprises that 'contribute', appeal to everyone. Their fervour and conviction about what they do are acknowledged by the people with whom they build up relationships. This acknowledgement is in addition to the official public relations campaign of the establishment.

What is likely to be the upshot if some of the capital meant for marketing is apportioned for contributions?

Giving creates something bigger than who we are. Giving creates inspiration. Inspiration can only be created when it resonates with the people whom we want to inspire. And we get inspired when we are involved in the experience. It is not just about hearing the nice stories of others. It's actually participating in those stories. After all, we all want to feel good in life by making a contribution-to our family and friends, to our company and to our community.

Transaction-based giving makes it inevitable

The facility for contributing became so much simpler because of a programme (or one can say a 'development') called Buy1GIVE1 (Buy One Give One). Buy1GIVE1 is the heart of transaction-based giving. Transaction-based giving revolutionises things. Let us use our creativity and analyse how.

How wonderful is the situation where every time someone buys an ice cream, a child somewhere in an underprivileged country gets a cup of milk?

Imagine if every time you subscribed to a magazine you love, a tree got planted automatically just because you bought the magazine? Or every time you dine out, you fed a child in need? Automatically again.

Consider the scenario of someone attending a coaching session. It would be commendable if someone who needs similar coaching would get it as a direct consequence (and just at the cost of not more than 60 cents for the day's coaching).

Where a motivational speaker at a conference is connected with a charity, part of his income might go to helping kids who have speech problems due to facial defects. It will be a matter of great satisfaction for the participants at the conference to know that their very participation is helping a deserving cause.

Imagine now if you could apply transaction-based giving in your own unique way to match your main products/services to engage your customers and team members to be part of the giving story. Here's how.

The actual winning economy

As of now, enterprises all across the world are realising the power of transaction-based giving. TESCO, one of the better known supermarket chains of UK, has correlated its sales in such a way that when someone buys a pair of school trousers from them, a child in Kenya gets a school uniform.

Mineral Water Company Volvic also rolled out their transaction-based giving program successfully last year. For every 1 litre of Volvic people buy, Volvic gives funds to build wells in Africa in a program they call Buy1 GIVE 10 (since every 1 litre sold essentially creates a flow of 10 litres in the well.

Lesser to middle level businesses have now begun to spearhead the movement of increasing the idea of global giving through Creative Capitalism. Buy1GIVE1 (, a Singapore-based Social Enterprise came up with a procedure that has turned this transaction-based giving into something each and every human being can be part of.

Buy1GIVE1 is the home of the most impactful transaction-based giving in the world because it connects any business of any size to any cause in the world. It's creating a global community of business givers and for SME`s, Buy1GIVE1 connects businesses, their customers AND charities in a way that hasn't been done before. And it all happens automatically.

Any person can become a citizen of this phenomenon of global giving merely by getting a Buy1GIVE1 `VISA` directly off the Buy1GIVE1 site at Those who have their own enterprise can become a B1G1 Business through applying online and selecting the charity and the primary service or product for launching the giving. Buy1GIVE1 forwards the entire contribution amount to their international Worthy Cause Partners (more than 528 projects are available for members to choose from) thereby making their contributions highly productive.

Do you know?

* Half the world-nearly three billion people-live on less than two dollars a day.

* Even in the 21st century, which is the age of the internet, there are about a billion people who have never put a pen to a paper.

* Poverty and malnutrition robs the lives of 20 children every minute, 30,000 every day, and 210,000 children every week, as per UNICEF records.

* Just 12% of the people worldwide utilize 85% of the water available for human consumption. And this 12% does not belong to any of the underdeveloped countries.

* About a billion people have no access to minimum health care facilities.

* 63,000 square miles of rainforests are destroyed each year.

Statistic From Global Issues

Buy1GIVE1 Businesses- scrutinize these examples

* Buy1BUILD1 (,

* Learning to learning (

* Medical treatment helping in medical aid (

* Phone card to communication (

* Meditation to restoration (

* Weight loss to kids' meals (

* Aesthetic blinds to lights to schools (

* Socks for protecting feet from frostbite (

* Coaching to train social entrepreneurs (

* And for an overall look, simply go to

Discovering what we are looking for-Nature has got the answer

So let's begin again from where we had set off-financial instability and succeeding in having what we need. The requirements are in reality quite clear-cut. It is just a triumvirate starting with the letter C - correlation, cooperation and community.

When we can collaborate instead of isolate and when we can create an effective way to add to each other instead of taking away from each other, we discover there is so much abundance and resource already available in our world. And when we connect, not just with each other but with our true selves, we discover something really interesting-that we're all ONE. Then we understand how easy it is to create a global community from something as simple as giving.

And the truth is there in all its glory in nature.

In nature, bees and butterflies pollinate flowers and create sustainable flower gardens for many generations to thrive on. It's been in front of us all along!

When a crisis hits the world, we can see an opportunity to get back to the simplicity. It is now actually time to be grateful for what we have in order for us all to keep thriving.

And when you choose to start giving today, you will feel so much better despite the economic challenges. And when you feel better you will discover a renewal of hope and you will remember all tides change and the down will soon be up. Giving today is the one thing that you can do to change everything. - 31955

About the Author:

When Making Dreams Come True Is As Easy As Brushing Our Teeth

By Masami Sato

Can making dreams come true be as easy as this? Is it possible to let go of our doubts? Can it be possible? Is it possible to do it so magically so that it could be as easy as brushing our teeth? This excerpt from the book named ONE by Masami Sato would show us how it can be done in a step-by-step manner, so that one can start walking towards one's dreams today itself.

All of us have dreams. But all of us do not have faith in ourselves so that we can have those dreams and live them in our lifetime. In fact, the secret to have such assuredness is simple. And the reason why we hesitate so much is also straightforward.

Let us start with the first question that can be asked to us..

Why do we not do the things we want to do?

Often, our thinking stops our actions. Often the more we think about it, the less we usually are committed to achieve what we originally wanted to do. Often the more we think about something, we come up with a greater number of reasons for not doing it.

Then is it possible to be certain that we will definitely accomplish what we want to do in our life?

Sure, absolutely! To start with, let us look at the power of habits

If we are scheduled to go to a meeting tomorrow night, we wouldn't spend lots of time thinking whether we can get there or not. We wouldn't be concerned about the chance of having a car accident and missing the appointment. Just like when we are walking to the bathroom, we wouldn't worry that the toilet might be broken!

We have so much more sureness about these types of 'normal' activities we indulge in every day. They are the habits.

But, we doubt our dreams

Interestingly, there are so many things we are not so sure about. Especially the things we really want to do in our life - our Dreams!

Then, what is the secret for the conviction that we will accomplish our dreams?

First: Simply make it a daily habit!

We can get started by being more confident about our acts meant to meet our desires - the type of dreams that actually fosters our life.

For example, if a person's dream is to make his fair share of contributions to the society, and giving is a big yearning in his life, there is no need to doubt the possibility of being able to make that contribution. Al that is necessary is to make it a daily habit.

Second: Make is as important (and equally easy) as brushing one's teeth.

Realising dreams can be just like brushing one's teeth. It simply doesn't feel nice if we do not brush our teeth for pretty long, isn't it? We can't bother to spend hours considering which toothpaste we should use or wait to clean teeth till there is some need to do so. We feel a little out of sorts if our teeth are not clean. So we clean them. That is all!

Looking at our example, if giving is what we desire most, then we should ask ourselves a few questions: What if giving is truly as important as brushing one's teeth? What if it is giving us a comfortable feeling? What if it aids in remaining healthy?

No matter whether we have a lot or very little just now, we can definitely start giving it and sharing it with others today. No matter how seemingly unbelievable it is to fulfil our dreams, we can start proceeding towards them today. We should view it as something crucial, a priority issue that we should practice every day! Then we would feel unhappy if we don't do it. Just like brushing our teeth.

and Third: Always give first, then we will get

When we are ready to give first before we have even got what we yearn for - what we are dreaming of - we are sending a strong message to ourselves which says, 'there is enough, and more will come.' It lets us know the joy today - the joy of sharing.

If you want to be prosperous, be generous. And then you would be blessed with loads of everything. If you are knowledgeable enough to do so, do not be scared of teaching others. And you will learn more. If you want to share things, share freely. Do not expect anything in return. Just let go. And joy will automatically be returned to you. The simple joy o f giving.

Do not be scared of sharing and giving what you have, for it will not thwart your plans of achieving your purpose, whatever it may be. It may only help you to fulfil your dreams faster. And your journey there will be one of total contentment.

But surely habits are much smaller in scale, compared to our BIG dreams?

Just do it, don't be concerned about the 'scale'

Because anything is possible in life. We might start things in a small way. And these small things will always take us to another action, and another. Having certainty in our small actions and executing them one by one always takes us forward. But if we thought it was 'impossible' to do something now because it just seemed 'too big', it will never happen.

The power to achieve one's dreams has always been there, and will always be there. Those who have managed wonders, sensations, and real joy, already know this. They go on using it.

Dreams and marvels are not accidents. We make them through our options.

So, would you start walking towards your dreams today?

Contents are excerpted with minor modification from ONE, a book written by Masami Sato. To get a free copy of ONE, visit and start sharing the joy of giving. Feel free to use or republish the content of the above article, fully or partially, as long as it is preserved in its original content, with proper attribution to Masami Sato and - 31955

About the Author:

How To Improve The Inconsistent Charity Ratings

By David Anttony

Charity ratings are a fickle thing with highly rated charities holding the number 1 position today being overtaken by new charities coming from nowhere. Charity Water is a recent and amazing example of this. Originality and the power of the Internet, are driving the ratings of brand new charities through the roof. A charity may not know today with a non-existent rating, but tomorrow it can be rated as number one by the New York Times as being the most amazing charity ever, and wham their rating goes from zero right to the top overnight.

As the public can be easily influenced by the charity ratings that the agents of mass media give, it is very easy for a completely new charity to grow very fast and be able to attract a wave of charitable donations to their side. For the same reason, when they become less popular with the media, their charity ratings also go down.

Directory lists of charity rating

With cynicism a bit on the higher side and eagle eyed guardians of charity practices ever on the lookout for malpractices, with huge amounts of money spent on managing or misuse of funds, directory listings of charity ratings are having a field day. It is rather strange that altruistic organizations, the purpose of which is to give others, themselves come under the scrutiny of guardians of ethics. Altruism is becoming a knotty issue!

Organisations like and list detailed charity ratings. has a detailed list called the GiveSpot 100 list, which shows its top 100 rated charities. Other organisations like have charity check systems as well as a charity Top Ten list so that look up a charity is easy. is probably the biggest US charity directory offering an amazing array of charity information some free some at a cost. The Better Business Bureau in the USA, despite its name is also charity directory that lists both business and non-profit organisations.

The fact is that there are enough guides that provide information about 100 top ranking charities but these ratings does not, in reality, convey the correct picture. The ratings of a charity has actually nothing much to do with what actually makes it superior to the rest. There are unique features that place a charity or non-charity institution above the rest.

Charity Ratings and belief in the public

A YouGov poll of 2005 stated that about 56 percent of the British population did not have a considerable amount of belief even in well known global charities like Oxfam and Save the Children. Even among the charities that had a good charity rating, only about 15 percent enjoyed the public's belief in them.

Charity Warning Bells are more common

Belief in charities is at an all time low these days. Public can hardly be blamed for this. Charity watchdogs are ringing warning bells of charity institutions spending even up to 60% of the amount collected on overheads that include big salaries for managers so that very little remains for real charity giving.

It has been shown in recent studies that the expenses for raising funds in places like UK and Australia amount to about18% in the case of the former and 22% in the case of the latter. The corresponding amount in USA is about 30% according to the Association of Fundraising Professionals. These are without administrative expenses, which might be higher. This is a big issue with donors especially in situations like what happened in Singapore a few years ago when the issue fell under the media scanner. This sort of negative attraction leads to a reduction in charity giving which is definitely not a good sign.

Charity ratings secret revealed

There is practically no difference between a charity and a commercial enterprise when it comes to the question of drawing money. They way they put the money to use might be different, but the techniques they use to get that money are more or less the same.

To increase the charity rating as well as attract better flow of funds the secret can be found in a single word - attraction.

When we look at something and consider buying it, investing in it or connecting with it, we make an instant decision based on how attractive it is to us. If the level of attraction is high, we are highly interested and take action quickly and of course if low, we take our time or decide no.

Charity Water is highly attractive and hence why it's charity-rating sky rocked so quickly and the media got behind the idea. The simple idea of selling a bottle of charity water for a premium price with the extra profit been giving as a donation to the needy to access clean water was highly attractive.

The factors that make Charity Water quite fascinating and promote its rating are the following.

* First of all it has an ideal name, Charity Water, which strikes a chord in people's heart. The person behind the idea was obviously passionate about the image and about taking it to the people.

* They had a simple, single and clear message and mission - sell water give water - Buy One Give One

* They gave importance to the solution and not to the problem. This is an assured way for any charity to get a good charity rating in the public's eye. People by and large have no interest in being reminded of the miseries of life. They prefer to feel elated. So in this case when they know that their act, that of buying a bottle of water, can affect the lives of others positively, they are glad.

How to let Charity Ratings plummet in a second

The fastest way in which a charity's ratings would go down is when it turns itself less tempting by centring its attention on the problem. People are by and large disinclined to listen to negative things. On the contrary, most people are keen on listening to positive things that involve verve, dynamism, motivation and effort to bring in a fresh vision.

To prove this, all we have to do is look at ourselves in the company of our kids and know how our response is positive when children make a request in an exuberant, polite and eager manner. The same request, if made in an irritating or maudlin way, might elicit a negative response.

The images that a charity uses will affect its charity ratings. Using uplifting and inspiring images will uplift and inspire people. Uplifted and inspired people give more and spend more.

Social Enterprises improve Charity Ratings and solve the problems in Getting Funds

Social Enterprise is a new business pattern that evolved a few years ago. This combines trading with a social purpose. This pattern is a result of the interest of some businessmen who have social objectives but does not find the type of functioning of charitable enterprises satisfactory enough.

Many social entrepreneurs would never survive in traditional business because their ethical and moral values would always be in conflict with many of the business decisions made. Social Enterprise is a perfect arena for these very inspiring and valuable individuals who choose to use the business vehicle to effect social and global change. One of the most famous Social Entrepreneurs of course is Muhammad Yunus who was the first businessperson ever to be awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 2006.

Buy1GIVE1 commonly known as B1G1 (Buy 1 Give 1), is a global organisation that is a recent entrant into the world of charitable giving. It is a perfect blend of business and valuable causes functioning at the global level. Buy1GIVE1 has so minimised its expenses of fundraising and management that it is able to give for charity all the funds collected. The institution is similar in its attributes to the online organization, which has been promoted by Bill Clinton; unlike conventional charities, Buy1GIVE1 involves direct giving to charities. Many people are convinced that it is a better way for contributing things and receiving richly in return.

Business leaders who are looking for opportunities to give back in effective ways and give to worthy charitable causes, see the great value and well-defined key marketing advantages businesses like Buy1GIVE1 offer. Each sales transaction makes a difference - and not just in an altruistic sense. With powerful 'impact-matching', businesses are gifted with an eye-opening, attention-grabbing marketing story. Compare the business that gives away a million dollars to charity with the one that lets their customers experience the joy of giving with Buy1Give1 transaction-based giving.

Enterprises like Buy1GIVE1 provide details of charity requirements, especially those which are really needy causes, and these always manage to attract lots of donations. Entrepreneurs understand very well the fundamentals of these equations and so are more likely to help such causes rather than worry about the charity rating. They know very well that people have an inherent tendency to respond to a more touching requirement, than simply to media rating.

Maple Muesli of Australia has allied itself with a charity called Midday Meals in India, in the city of Mumbai. As a result when a packet of muesli is bought, a needy kid is given food in Mumbai. Since a simple meal is available there at the cost of 30 US cents, Midday Meals daily manages to feed about 125,000 kids. The charity feeds these children in schools and it helps substantially in protecting children from begging and other harsh realities and abuse of street life.

The company has managed to advertise the worthy cause of the charity Midday Meals in Australia. The inspiring story is continuously shared by Maple Muesli with all their buyers which has resulted in increased rating for the institution of Midday Meals in Mumbai, though all that the charity does is provide a daily lunch for those needy children. This is the era of Effective Giving - The sun has almost set on the Era of Plain Charity Donations.

We will surely see a change in the landscape of the top 100 charities over the coming years as new and innovative and far more effective ways of giving are created. These days we are spoilt for choice on how we can make our charitable giving. Not all of them are efficient ways to make a difference.

Other choices in Charity Ratings

Some of the new and different ways to give are highlighted and rated in the table below. Charity Comparison Points

We have compared and rated a few well-known and less well-known charities and Social Enterprises on areas that are important to their donors.



The Salvation Army comes among the top 100 charities globally - contributions are made directly by both businesses as well as individuals.

OPENNESS - B - Not sufficiently open - Plenty of money is being collected - but the results are not always completely clear.

MARKETING VALUE TO BUSINESS - C - Businesses' one-off contributions to Salvation Army may be mentioned in the press.

FUNDRAISING COSTS - B - Spends millions of dollars annually to raise funds.

DONOR'S CHOICE OF CHARITY - B - There are many charities and the contributors can decide to which one they would like to give directly.

ABILITY FOR EFFECTING A CHANGE -C - Nothing specific in the activities that is likely to bring about a change.



Product (RED) is a brand licensed to collaborate with companies, and collect money for their Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis in Africa

TRANSPARENCY - B - Lack of transparency - sum of money is contributed for every purchase - but result is not fully measurable.

ADVANTAGE TO BUSINESS - A - People and enterprises by and large prefer to support it as it is promoted by popular idols like Bono and Oprah. End result of marketing is not correctly available.

FUNDRAISING COSTS - C - Spends hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising - could have just given that money to Africa.

CONTRIBUTORS'CHOICE OF CHARITY - C - Partner businesses do not have much choice in the charities that receive their contributions - all are in Africa.

POTENTIAL FOR REAL GLOBAL CHANGE - B - Products (RED) only partner huge companies and all their profits go to Africa.



The Body Shop is involved in community trade to help economically backward countries and makes large donations to causes from the profit they generate.

TRANSPARENCY - B - Lack of transparency - sum of money is contributed for every purchase - but result is not fully measurable.

MARKETING VALUE TO BUSINESS - A-tve - Customers are happy to be involved in community trade and are motivated to buy more. Visibility could be a lot better.

EXPENSES FOR RAISING FUNDS - A - Costs are kept low - Business design is good enough to attract large contributions and further community trade.

DONOR'S CHOICE OF CHARITY - A - Enterprises are at liberty to choose where their contributions should go.

PROMISE FOR GLOBAL CHANGE - B - The potential for giving back to the community is substantial - but not everyone have the impetus and the extra energy to impel the change.



Live Earth consisted of a string of global musical programmes which set in motion a three-year campaign to battle climate change and was held on July 7, 2007.

TRANSPARENCY - F - According to Intelligent Giving, there were big questions about accountability as to where the proceeds of ticket sales went.

MARKETING VALUE TO BUSINESS - B - Business sponsors got good coverage - but it was only a one time event and it is not easy to test and measure results.

FUNDRAISING COSTS - C - Spent millions of dollars on advertising on what some say was an unsuccessful event, which had no real goals.

CONTRIBUTORS'CHOICE OF CHARITY - C - Only three charities received funds.

PROMISE FOR GLOBAL CHANGE - C - Such events can be held just once or at the most once a year. The amount collected generally goes to better known charities.

Buy1GIVE1 (B1G1)


B1G1 is a brand licensed to any business - partnering them with any charity anywhere in the world. A truly global concept.

OPENNESS - A - The one for one style of giving sees to it that the donors' money reaches the specific cause that it is meant to help. Donors are provided information on how exactly their money is being utilised - how many kids were fed or how many trees were planted.

BENEFIT FOR THE BUSINESS - A+tve - Superb marketing value as a result of:

* Quantifiable giving * Press coverage * Valuable stories * Individual to individual * Continuing customers

EXPENSES FOR RAISING FUNDS - A+tve - No cost at all - B1G1 can look after a charity's fundraising requirements which will include a good percentage of management also. All the funds that have accrued go to the cause.

DONOR'S CHOICE OF CHARITY - A - Any donor can contribute to a specific charity, or they can insist on giving to specific causes such as food, environment, or instruction.

PROMISE FOR GLOBAL CHANGE - A - Unlimited. If more and more businesses can collaborate with charities internationally, the prospects for real change is colossal.

You Would Think Giving away Money Would Be No Big Deal!"

You would think that giving money is easy - pull out a wad of cash, write a cheque or punch in your credit card details. Yet, billionaires philanthropists like George Sores , have gone on the record as saying that effective giving is one of the hardest things to do. Developing nations receive billions of dollars every year and yet it often seems like nothing changes much.

People asking smarter questions will bring about the needed change. Social Entrepreneurs like Mohamed Yunis, Nobel Prize winner, creating innovative solutions to poverty and environmental issues with Micro Finance are carving the way to a new future where business initiatives, social enterprise and conscious consumerism transform our world. Initiatives like The Body Shop's 'Trade - Not Aid' need to be replicated. New ideas like Buy1GIVE1 need to be embraced. The value of social enterprise needs to be recognised.

When questioned on how one can bring about some positive global change, Bill Gates showed and Buy1GIVE1 ( as examples of charities that enrich the giver. Those who sponsor a business are updated by about the activities of the business. Buy1GIVE1 also does this. By this arrangement enterprises get enough stories to tell their clients - if they buy a laptop they will know that it will help in some needy person somewhere else getting a computer.

Next steps to increasing your Charity Ratings

Ensure that you have an inquisitive mind, and remain connected to a computer, and spare some time to find out about the new types of charities and how they function. These programs are mainly based on networking and work through the internet.

As of now if one is not connected with good international networks via the internet, the chances of losing out are substantial even with good charity rating, tomorrow things are bound to change - totally.

Many enterprises emerge out of thin air nowadays and grow enough in the matter of maybe three years to be sold for more than a billion dollars. This was unconceivable ten years ago, though today it has become a routine state of affairs. All these online enterprises are doing the same thing - drawing on international networks or themselves making international networks.

Buy1GIVE1 (Buy One Give One)

Buy1GIVE1 is a comparatively new Social Enterprise established in'97 by a Japanese lady named Masami Sato. Today any business globally can be a member of Buy1GIVE1. The membership fee for smaller enterprises is as low as $1 for a day. Contributions can also be as low as one cent on a sale made. Buy1GIVE1 is spearheading the Buy One Give One transaction-based giving global movement. For any enterprise or charity requirement, working jointly with Buy1GIVE1 is very simple. It is perfectly structured and accommodating enough to adjust to the requirements of its partners. An organisation can connect its products or services with any charity endeavour (Buy1GIVE1's or their own) and each time a sale is made, the sale has to be recorded and the input paid at the end of a specific period. The amount can be sent through Buy1GIVE1 or directly to the concerned charity.

You could be losing out a lot if you are not interested in forming an association with Buy1GIVE1and not persuading your business patrons to do so. Buy1GIVE1 is a unique and brilliant organisation whose impetus as well as global impact is huge.

A new era of charity giving

Companies that had no presence a few months ago are ravaging cyberspace with the echo of user acceptance. Services life Twitter , Facebook , MySpace , YouTube, NING and TipJoy are places you must have a presence in. Organisations like Change The Present, Kiva and companies like Buy1GIVE1 you should be building relationships with. These are all the new future and will all help maintain and build charity ratings. Today is a new opportunity to build a new future. - 31955

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