How To Play The Game Of Life

By Andrew Goodman

It's actually simple, when you know how. Learn and accept the rules of the game of life, and play by those rules to get what you want. It's interesting, because when you actually start to question why you want anything in life, you very quickly come to the conclusion that the reason you want anything more than where you are is because you think you will feel better if you had it. The other thing you quickly realise is that you can't ever be truly happy unless you make movements towards your desires, towards your dreams out there ahead of you in your future.

The bad news is that you can never regress in life and be a happy person. When you have identified something that you want, you have to move towards that goal or you will feel not feel joyful. Life causes you to expand, to want more, to become more than you were before. You may keep up with this expansion and you may not, it is really up to you. Some go along with the expansion willingly, and live happy lives as a result. Others are more reluctant as they feel the tension between their desires and the life they are living, and they inherently know they should be the expanded evolved person they want to be. If you have powerful desires in life, and fail to keep up with them, you may choose to numb out the pain with some kind of behaviour or substance, or you may choose to end the pain and your life, by checking out early.

Some decide that they are incapable of keeping up with their own personal desires, and so they manage the distance between their present life and their desires by trying to limit their desires, by finding and participating in an organisation that agrees with them. But this is never really satisfying, and in any case, life is designed to provoke new desire in you, so you're going against a powerful force (besides, being a hermit isn't really that much fun).

The majority of people do not understand how to play this game called life. In their dis-empowered state they seek to control the circumstances and events of life to feel better, creating laws, rules and regulations from their place of powerlessness. If they understood the rules and were self-empowered, they would start to realise that they need not feel fearful of any other person, because they would understand how they get what they get. They would stop trying to think, and they would feel their way through life.

Furthermore, the only way you can ever come into your own power is by letting go of control of the outside world, its people places and things, and look inside yourself instead to seek control of the way you feel. Many great teachers throughout the ages have spoken of unconditional love, and this is what they meant. Unconditional love says "I will love (feel good) regardless of what the conditions might be. I will be who I really am and love you, even if you are feeling bad and blaming me or my behaviour for the way you feel". Conditional love says; "I will love (feel good) when you behave in a way that pleases me, but if you don't please me, I will disapprove of you and feel bad. It is your responsibility to behave in a way that makes me feel good." So how can we practice unconditional love? By focussing in a way that makes us feel good. Seeing things in a kind, loving, gentle light, giving people the benefit of the doubt. By knowing that nobody's done anything wrong and that all really is well. By demonstrating the loving person that you really are to the world, and feeling the true nature of your being.

Unfortunately the majority are trained away from their own true power as they grow up surrounded by people who are living conditional love. These well meaning caregivers need others to modify their behaviour in order for them to feel good. Unfortunately for you this trains you away from the only important thing in life; the way that you feel. The only thing of any importance to you, is the way that you feel. It determines everything that comes to you. Everything else really is irrelevant. So to get to this point where you can control the way you feel, and therefore how the world responds to you, you need to understand where your emotions come from and why they are so important to you.

What are the rules of this game we call life? Page one: How does life relate to you? Are you getting what you want in life? What determines one person's success or personal achievement over another's? How do some people live charmed lives while other struggle and seem to get nowhere? Is life all about luck or chance, and do we need to redistribute the world's wealth to make things more even? How is it possible to make sense of such a large and complicated system?

So many questions, but where to start? We need to stop trying to 'think' our way and start to 'feel' our way along the path. Emotions are a powerful guidance that few understand, but appreciation for them will lead to personal satisfaction and a joyful life experience. But before we discuss emotions, we need to talk about The Law. That's right folks, it's The Law of Attraction, the only law worth talking about.

Law of Attraction orchestrates everything, everywhere. Not just here on planet earth, but everywhere in physical and non-physical realities, of which there are vast numbers. So if you're going to have a joyful life, you probably need to know about it so you can play life by life's rules. Law of Attraction matches up like and like things. You may have heard the expression "Birds of a Feather Flock Together". What this means to you and me is that we attract to us things which match who we are. Match who we are? In what way?

It you consider your brain as a radio receiver and transmitter, with the ability to tune in to unlimited frequencies. Good feeling happy high flying thoughts have high frequencies and bad feeling, sad, depressing thoughts have low frequencies. When we tune into these frequencies, law of attraction will match us up with the frequency to which we are tuned. Tune to love and see the love in the world. Tune to beauty and see how much beauty there is in the world. Tune to abundance and see the natural abundance in the world. Of course the same goes for the negatives of all of these things, but I wouldn't recommend you look for those. It's not that these things have been created by your thoughts. They were there all along, it's just that you can see them now that you are tuned into their frequency. You have rendez vous'd with them.

So how does Law of Attraction apply to the real world? If I behave 'as if' I'm successful, will I become a success? Well, not necessarily. The Law of Attraction matches you up with things which match the way you feel about 'those subjects' in your life. If you feel successful, then Law of Attraction will match you up with situations which feel that way. If you only act or use words to pretend you are successful, but you still feel like a failure, then you cannot achieve success until you start feeling successful. You might even be a success in the eyes of others, but not in your own eyes. Feel the way you want to be, and let Law of Attraction bring you everything you want. - 31955

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