This article serves as an informational tool to teach people who are inquiring about Project Payday. If you are wondering whether it's a sting, it is not. You can earn cash with this however it will need great organizational abilities and your credit card information.
Project payday has 2 ways for you to make money : methodology 1 and methodology 2.
Method 1 involves you joining a forum and in the coaching area you will find posts for buying referrals. You choose your "buyer", then you and your purchaser set up a trade of which you can receive between 40-70% of the buyer's commission. So if your consumer receives $60 from the IFW ( Incentivized Freebie sites ), you will get $40 for going "green" ( that's what they call it once you've completed the required amount of offers ). So if your offers costs you $20, then you definitely made a profit of $20 using this technique. However , you have got to complete about 6-8 offers to make a $20 profit.
Strategy 2 is essentially the flip-side of strategy 1. In method two you're basically buying the referrals, thus you act as the "buyer", as mentioned in the description of method 1. However it's hard to earn income using this method as you are contesting with other "seasoned" more experienced purchasers. Those looking to select their "buyer" are much more likely going to select one who is more experienced than you, who's just new to the game.
Fundamentally you can earn cash doing this but it would most likely take a special sort of person to do so. You must be well arranged, patient, have plenty of time to give up and don't mind your private credit card information to be frequently used.
This is obviously NOT FOR ME! I will share however , a program that doesn't require a bunch of time and is really profitable. Visit my web site for more information on this exciting program. - 31955
Project payday has 2 ways for you to make money : methodology 1 and methodology 2.
Method 1 involves you joining a forum and in the coaching area you will find posts for buying referrals. You choose your "buyer", then you and your purchaser set up a trade of which you can receive between 40-70% of the buyer's commission. So if your consumer receives $60 from the IFW ( Incentivized Freebie sites ), you will get $40 for going "green" ( that's what they call it once you've completed the required amount of offers ). So if your offers costs you $20, then you definitely made a profit of $20 using this technique. However , you have got to complete about 6-8 offers to make a $20 profit.
Strategy 2 is essentially the flip-side of strategy 1. In method two you're basically buying the referrals, thus you act as the "buyer", as mentioned in the description of method 1. However it's hard to earn income using this method as you are contesting with other "seasoned" more experienced purchasers. Those looking to select their "buyer" are much more likely going to select one who is more experienced than you, who's just new to the game.
Fundamentally you can earn cash doing this but it would most likely take a special sort of person to do so. You must be well arranged, patient, have plenty of time to give up and don't mind your private credit card information to be frequently used.
This is obviously NOT FOR ME! I will share however , a program that doesn't require a bunch of time and is really profitable. Visit my web site for more information on this exciting program. - 31955
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