Subconscious Mind Power - A Means To An End

By Graham J Milne

Do you remember the movie, "Field of Dreams, with Kevin Costner? In the movie, he hears the mantra, "If you build it, they will come." You may not know it, but you have your own "field of dreams." It's your subconscious mind. With your subconscious mind, if you "think" it, it will come. What will come? Whatever you want, truly.

You have the power to create the life you want, to change who you are, to change whatever you think is missing or inadequate into something perfect, all through the use of your subconscious mind. It's truly a powerful and beautiful thing, and can heal, transcend current circumstances, make you feel good; or make you feel bad. The subconscious mind, truly, has the power to completely change our world if we take control of it.

Sceptical, probably, allow me to give you a few examples of how powerful your mind is. One of my favorite examples to give is scientific, medically actually. This example is offered because the results have been documented time and time again. It is the Placebo Effect. Most commonly this term is used when medication trials are taking place. You have the control group, which are given a sugar pill (or placebo) and then the study group who get the actual med. Both groups are told what the medication is for and what it should do for them. Neither group knows if they are getting the actual medication or the placebo.

In absolutely each and every study the control group will provide similar results to the study group. Perhaps not in the same intensity, but you will have people that show improvements or exhibit changes or side effects that the medication can cause. Why is that? It is because they were told what the pill would do, they believed that they were being given the real pill and that they were either going to get better or get the side effects.

Think about this in your own situation. Perhaps you haven't been involved in any medical trials, but when you go to the doctor, are you told a specific medication is going to give you side effects? If the doctor minimizes side effects to you, don't be surprised. A doctor knows how powerful one's mind is, and may actually think telling you will cause side effects; through the power of your subconscious mind. Therefore, a doctor may minimize these negative things, in the hopes that you won't experience them. Suggesting them, in other words, may increase your chances of having side effects. And of course, they also want you to be compliant with taking the medication, so that's another reason to minimize the negative effects of the drug.

What do these two examples above prove? That the power of suggestion AND the power of the subconscious mind will give you a very powerful results. It works in the medical field, and it can work in your everyday life, too. Why can't you tap into this power and positively change your life? You can, with the power of suggestion; change the way your subconscious mind works by using it to your advantage.

You can use visualization to change the way you see things, too. Visualization is a very simple technique that really, really works. You can do this in a couple of different ways. Number one, close your eyes and visualize in your mind's eye what you want, seeing it as though it were right there in front of you.

Another way to visualize that's very effective, as well as with the first technique, is to create a physical picture of what you want. For example, if you want a new car, you can find a picture of the car you want in a magazine or something similar. Put that picture on your refrigerator so that you see it several times a day. Or, better yet, have a friend take a picture of you standing next to that car. As you see that picture of you standing next to that car over and over again, it eventually becomes imprinted on your subconscious mind that you are to have that car, and you eventually will have it as a reality.

Although this has been common knowledge for years to the really rich and high achievers, it has only been recently that scientists have started to understand the very real scientific process associated with this.

A scientific field called quantum physics has shown that matter is no longer solid at the subatomic level and simply becomes pure energy. And, quantum physics has shown that the mind can actually manipulate this energy. In fact, quantum physics has actually proven that the energy itself does not exist UNLESS it is observed.

If matter and energy exist only because they is observed, then, the mind is responsible for the matter's existence, and not the opposite as has been thought previously. Therefore, matter (and subsequently, reality) is actually a creation of each of our minds. And this is subconscious mind power at its essence.

Ancient religions have known this for thousands of years, but quantum physics has now brought this into the modern age and into modern science at last. Whatever your spiritual belief structure or paradigm, the science of quantum physics cannot be denied.

So if you could change your life just by thinking about it, wouldn't you? All you have to do is harness your subconscious mind power. Use it to your advantage instead of letting it control you. Spend the next week using affirmations or visualization techniques to acquire what you want. Make it something small at first and when you see that it works make yourself a new life by developing your subconscious mind power. - 31955

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Happiness, Success And Law Of Attraction

By Simon Ward

Happiness and law of attraction are strongly connected. If you haven't ever heard of the law of attraction, then that's okay, because it is very easy to understand. It's actually very similar to the concept of positive thinking. It revolves around you possessing positive thoughts in order to attract wealth and happiness into your life.

The Law of Attraction isn't a new concept and in fact has been around for a long, long time. It really works. When you think positive thoughts, the Law of Attraction isn't far behind. Think about this for a minute. Do you know someone who seems to 'have it all,' and is relaxed, carefree, and comfortable in his or her own skin? That's because they live by the adage that positive thoughts mean positive things. In other words, if you think negative thoughts, that's what you're going to attract. If you think positive thoughts, that's also what you're going to attract.

Your thoughts are made up of real energy, and so are you. If your thoughts are positive, you are positive. It is easy for abundance to come into your life if you have positive energy flowing throughout your body.

They Law of Attraction is powered by happy thoughts. How do you do that? Begin to talk to yourself as though you are wonderful, confident, beautiful, wealthy -- everything you've always wanted to be. Do this all day, every day, even if you don't feel like it's 'true.' These are positive affirmations, and they can help you fix any problems you might be having.

So for example, you might say, 'I am confident and beautiful,' 'I love people and they love me,' 'My choices are unlimited, and opportunities abound everywhere,' and so on. Choose a few affirmations that encapsulate what you want to be, and say them throughout the day, every day.

This type of affirmation work is especially important when you don't feel like doing it, by the way. The Law of Attraction works on this, too. If you become discouraged, frustrated, sad or angry, don't worry about it, but change your attitude as soon as you recognize it and think of something positive. You'll ultimately need to change the way you deal with life and banish negative thoughts in order to use the Law of Attraction to your best benefit and to be fulfilled in your life.

You see, the mind is the only real limitation there is. What makes you think that you can't live a life full of happiness and abundance? It has been done before, right? Don't sit and dwell on the negative things in life.

The key is to go with the flow. At any given moment, you must be completely convinced that there is positive energy flowing into your life in some way or another.

Once you begin to recognize that happiness and law of attraction are connected, everything will begin to come together in your life.

If you are feeling bad, then you are going to be motivated in a negative way. You might end up listening to a depressing song, watching a depressing movie, and calling up some of your negative friends. Eventually, people who are negative subconsciously build a life of negative circumstances without even realizing it.

The wonderful thing is that you can remove bad luck from your life by using positive affirmations and law of attraction techniques. The worst thing you can do is give up. Continue to reassure yourself that you are the happiest person alive and watch the opportunities come pouring in! - 31955

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How to Stop Smoking in 24 Hours Or Less Using Hypnosis

By Candra Subra

How many times have you considered giving up smoking but never succeeded? Many times, I presumed. The reason why it is so difficult to do so is that mind associates smoking with pleasure. Smoking is not only to release stress, it is also a way for socializing and gain acceptance among the group. If you try to stop smoking, your mind will give you a small jolt of pain. So, now you began to understand the complexity of quitting smoking.

Your subconscious mind will try to sabotage you at every turn. Some of you may think that you can exert your willpower over your mind. You may not have realized that your subconscious mind actually controls much of your values and beliefs. All that is required is to convince your subconscious mind smoking is actually painful. Hypnosis is the answer. It is a method used by the ancients to send messages to the subconscious mind.

Many people have the misconception that hypnosis is magical or dark arts. It is not. It is simply a way to bypass your conscious mind and attempt to communicate directly to your subconscious mind. Yes, it is possible to stop smoking in a day. The only permanent solution is to talk to your subconscious mind that smoking is not pleasurable. Truly, this is a great solution for people looking to stop smoking.

But Wait! Maybe you are one of those people who can not be hypnotized. You don't want to waste time and money on a hypnotist or even on self hypnosis downloads or recordings until you know it will work for you. Of course, you could write and record your own self hypnosis script for free, but make sure you follow the rules of the subconscious mind. Else it will not work even if you are hypnotizable.

The other way is to use your will power to force yourself to stop smoking. Using logical reasoning may work if you have the strong convictions. You can recall the good benefits like better health and others. The real permanent cure may be by using hypnosis to stop smoking. - 31955

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Get What You Want In Life By Raising Your Expectations

By Karl Rogan

Have you ever considered how your personal expectations influence what you accomplish? By simply raising your expectations you can accomplish much more. The trick is to know how to push yourself further without going over the edge.

Why should you improve your expectations?

Depending on your current situation in life, you might be wondering why you'd want to increase your expectations. If you expect more then you'll also push yourself to achieve more.

Consider a time when you expected very little out of a situation. You probably weren't unhappy with the result because you weren't bothered, but I bet you weren't really fulfilled either.

Having greater expectations will certainly give you a greater chance of achieving bigger things but it also makes you more vulnerable to making mistakes. Don't let these hiccups get you down, learn from them and use the experience to change your approach.

Here are some proven methods to help raise your expectations:

1. Do difficult things. Pushing your limits can only be achieved by doing difficult things. You might not find success right away, but when you do, it can be the starting place for doing even bigger and better things in the future.

2. Increase your comfort zone. If you stick with comfort your are playing it safe. Learn to increase your comfort zone and you will open yourself up to new and exciting experiences. You'll soon come to expect more from yourself because your comfort zone is larger and you can take on more.

3. Challenge yourself. Set yourself up with a specific challenge and share this with someone else. If you've publicly declared to do something, you pretty much have to do it!

4. Take a survival course. Taking a survival course can show you how to get back to the basics. These courses are not just about basic survival, they can also teach you about yourself. You can learn more about your abilities and strengths, and then continue to challenge yourself in the future.

5. Continuous learning. Never stop working on yourself, make it a habit to improve yourself. When you do, you will find that new experiences and opportunities simply fall your way. The new knowledge and skills you continue to acquire will support you in your quest to raise your expectations and achieve more.

Higher expectations will also help raise your self-esteem. What you think you can achieve is very important because it decides what you will achieve. When you raise the bar, you enable yourself to do more and be more than before.

Remember that your thoughts are very powerful. When you make the effort to raise your expectations, you're also strengthening your self-worth and abilities. You'll see yourself in a positive light and be better able to achieve your ultimate goals.

Try these strategies to help you get what you want by raising your expectations of yourself, and enjoy the pride and fulfilment that come with doing great things! - 31955

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View Anything You Want By Understanding Remote Viewing Secrets

By Jilly McCann

Are you aware that you possess a unique talent known as remote viewing? As you may have not known, everyone has the same ability. Some people know how to use it, and some do not. You will be very happy to know that there are some remote viewing secrets that will help you to bring your current abilities to life.

When you know how to use your natural remote viewing abilities you should learn how to use a little time each day for meditation. You can make the best of your abilities during meditation. You will need to find a quite space in your home where you can relax, breathe and focus.

Having another person in a different room in assisting you to become a remote viewer is great; however if not, you should call someone you are close with and ask them to help you by making several hand gestures within the next thirty minutes or so. Ask them to make the same gesture every few minutes.

While you are meditating on your friend, you will focus on them, this is a remote viewing secret that can help you in many ways. Choose someone who is close, since the closer you are to each other, the easier this is to do.

While you are meditating, relaxing, and tapping into your subconscious mind, be sure to really let go. If you have any racing thoughts, just let them come as they will and release from your body as you are letting go of your tension. If you find it necessary, you may want to consider having some soft music playing in the background. Nature sounds, acoustic guitar, or some soft classical music should be all you need to really get into the mood of what you are doing.

Relax and breathe while focusing on the hand gestures your helper is making for you. As you focus simply trust that it will come to you, while you visualize them and their surroundings. When you are finished, call them and talk about the gestures they made while you meditated on them.

While you use these remote viewing secrets, it is vital that you do away with any type of distraction. For instance, put away anything that is noisy or visually distracting. Unplug the telephone, turn off the television and so on. Simply close your eyes and become one with your higher self. Relax in your inner peace.

Sometimes having a cluttered home will be distracting. Make sure your meditation space is clean and organized. Use soothing colors for decorating, light some candles and or incense. Do whatever you need to in order to relax and feel whole within yourself and your environment.

There are quite a few people who think they can simply stop what they are doing and begin meditating. But I am here to tell you that is not the case. If you are new to all of this, then you are going to have to really get into the habit of tapping into your subconscious mind. The beginning is the hardest part. If you want to develop your hidden powers, you will take heed to these remote viewing secrets and give it your best shot.

You will not have to try to force anything while using these remote viewing secrets and techniques. While following these methods you are able to open the door to your subconscious mind and then incorporate what you learn into your everyday life. - 31955

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How To Create Red Hot Business Success

By Annie Jennings

Who wants to find out how to be a great success in business? It's a matter of knowing the insider secrets of creating a powerful business model built around the needs of your client. Is it a secret? Perhaps to some but the principles are well known. The All Heart business model is a solid set of buisness principles that pay off over time.

The Rules:

Rule #1: Your clients will tell you what they would like to have as products and services. If they are not buying, then you are doing something wrong such as you have the wrong products or you are not reaching your target market correctly. Create products that help your clients make money and become successful. Don't bother spying on your competitors as what would happen if they are wrong? You'll wind up wasting time by copying and not creating. Focus on applying your knowledge, creativity and resources to developing better products and services that serve your target client directly.

Most people prefer to work with the bigger name brands for the confidence factor. They believe that the name brand will deliver better, more reliable and consistent results for them. People have a tendency to choose to work with firms that fill us with confidence. Think about the image and branding the car companies have. Each brand carries an x factor, the branding factor, that gives people a feeling of wanting to work with or buy from the company or not. People have more confidence in companies they have heard of in the media or throughout their activities.

Rule #3: Provide services that have a defined set of deliverables. If I by X, I get what? If you know your market and how it works, you will know how the products and services play out in the marketplace. Does the way your services work out in the marketplace deliver the outcome your client wants. If you do not have non-stop clients trying to hire you, then the answer is no. So, your job is to simply create one. Know what outcome your service or products provide your clients. Next, how do they use them to get their desired outcomes.

Rule #4: Why not offer a guaranteed deliverable so clients feel confident about working with your company? It's easier than you think! Just create products or services that deliver an absolute outcome, an outcome that is defined and measurable. You will quickly see an increase in your company a the outcomes become certain. Certainty sells. It makes sense to buy products that have defined outcomes and your clients will respond accordingly. - 31955

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What you Want To Make Your Own Hiphop Beats

By Janet Aourthoer

Do not waste your money on something which has such a great deal of features that you probably won't need . You can still get a good quality program to make your own hip hop beats. Often, the ultimate program should :

* Offer you thousands of high quality sounds to choose between * Implement learning resources like help texts, samples, and strategies * Provide pointers and tips on the simplest way to Acquire certain production and sound-mixing techniques * Permit you to mix not just a couple of sounds together, but up to 16 sounds at one previous point * Offer consumer support thru direct contact * Provide a multifunctional system that is simple enough for beginners to use * Offer top of the range that even experienced users of music production can take advantage of * Utilize good import / export capacities of certain audio formatted files, such as MP3 files * Offer a a hundred percent refund if not fully satisfied

And that's what will offer you a good foundation in music production software for learning the way to make your own hip hop beats

So, you own or have access to a P. C. , and now all you need is the other component, which is the music production program. I personally use Sonic Producer, which is a great tiny program which has been getting a great reputation from its growing base of users recently.

This program implements all of the points as outlined above, and frequently delivers outstanding results. I use this program by recording my own piano music on my Yamaha piano keyboard and then exporting my personal music and mixing it with other sounds and systems. It's really fun and you'll be addicted before you know it.

So, are you prepared to make your own hip hop beats? I'm hoping so. You will be manufacturing your own music in almost no time at all!Enjoy your music. - 31955

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10 Questions That Archetype Analysis Can Help You Answer

By Colleen Guy

The topics of self-actualisation, self-fulfilment and self-empowerment are more widely discussed now than ever before.

Ambitious and successful people have always existed, and excelled. However, in the past, many people have been content to work and play without pushing themselves or their loved ones on to greater things. The never ending quest to fulfill potential was not sought, with the majority accepting the circumstances of birth.

Many can admit to feeling a sense of regret and disappointment to unachieved goals. Throughout time religion and culture have fought to suppress individual desire and freedom preferring a 'you must do as we tell you' approach. Furthermore, innovative and ambitious people will only flourish if there are economical encouragements for them to do so.

As we enter a new decade, people are encouraged by economic factors to change and re-invent themselves. We've seen an almost complete disappearance of the 'Job for life' and employees realise more than ever the importance of continuing there development throughout their working lives.

On the other hand, reaching self-fulfilment is a far more a personal goal than an economic one. In fact it's the most important goal of your life; it's what motivates and inspires you, gets you out of bed in the morning and drives you reach your potential.

And this is not a new phenomenon. Over centuries, many people have re-visited aspects of their life (a famous example is Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol) seeking help and answers to the most difficult of questions.

However, until now, the right tools have not been available...

Today these tools have been finely honed by many psychologists dedicating, in some cases, decades of work and research to their practical development.

One such tool is Archetype Analysis.

Archetype Analysis is used for a variety of tasks from helping with significant life quandaries to aiding those curious about what the intervention can do for them. Here is a sample of questions that Archetype Analysis is used to help solve:

Am I getting all I can from life? I'm doing OK, what could I improve? I'm happy at work but don't have a personal life My personal life is great but I'm not getting any further with my career I feel I'm not valued at work I feel I'm working too much with not enough reward I need a change but what do I do? I get taken for granted I give a lot but don't get anything back

Essentially Archetype Analysis is based on the principle that our lives, our assumptions and our beliefs are defined by the way we are brought up. Archetype Analysis assumes that these early, impressionable years, inevitably impact upon our decision making, relationships and other major areas of our lives. - 31955

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How To Handle Their Ego, But What About Yours?

By Kurt Mortensen

Ego kicks in anytime someone challenges your abilities, especially your abilities to do your business, your immediate and instinctive reaction is to prove them wrong! When employing this tactic, be careful to avoid damaging the ego. VERY IMPORTANT: When you cause damage instead of producing a challenge, you will create an air of indifference from your prospect.

Another challenge to someone's ego is commonly used by sports coaches in a team environment. When during football practice a player is not putting in 100 percent, is late for meetings, or keeps making the same mistake, the coach has a perfect ego-based solution. He brings the team together and explains exactly what has happened with that particular player. He then has the whole team, except for the guilty player, run laps. This punishment is a challenge to the ego of this football player. Such a situation only has to happen once to be persuasive for each member of the team.

There are many challenging messages geared towards our egos. Think of a multilevel marketing meeting, where managers say they are looking for "go-getters" and "people who can take action." Or what about a teacher who tells the student, "I'd like you to do these advanced assignments"? I have seen sales representatives make a subtle attack on the prospect's ego when they were not getting the sale. They simply say, "I guess you don't have the authority to make that decision." You should see the egos take action!

Giving people credit for something they know nothing about is another example. When you give them credit for knowing something they know nothing about they generally will be quiet and let believe tat they are as smart as said they were. The catch here is they then will try to live up to the undeserved credit you gave them, just so they can lead you to believe they are really smart. You've probably heard phrases like, "You probably know..." or "You will soon realize..." These types of statements are a direct challenge to our egos.

In persuasion, we are faced with the difficult task of building the egos of our listeners while placing our own egos on hold. In order to effectively persuade, you have to let go of your ego and focus on your objective. You don't have time to mend a bruised ego. Check your ego in at the door and remember your overriding purpose. Focus on persuasion, not on yourself. - 31955

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Attract Abundance And Live The Life That You Deserve

By Donna Stevens

Our decisions are what fashioned our destiny. We can never have the life shaped for us by other people. You need to undergo all the hardships before you can even get the chance to savor success. For people who make it a point to strive really hard in order for them to attract abundance are those that can truly take pleasure over the things that they dream about since we need to gear ourselves with enough perseverance to be on that situation we would like to be in.

This is the reason why there is a need for us to dream about those things that we would like to happen in our daily lives. We should be able to work our way in order to achieve something and be inspired to work our way for it. Bear in mind that there is nothing impossible as long as we dream and do our very best in order to reach for our goals and aspirations. We need should be able to competently believe in all our capabilities so we would competently overcome hindrances which may block our way.

Are you man or woman enough to conquer everything just to attain success? The answer must be a big YES. Why? If we don't trust ourselves then nothing will happen and there will be no change. We all deserve a life filled with comfort, success and convenience and we can only attain it if we try to believe in our inner power to achieve what we want.

How do we attract abundance? Well, for us to experience abundance and prosperity in our lives we need to think positive and everything is possible. Dreams are very close to reality especially if we work in attaining what we want in our lives. We drive success in our lives thus we need to be extra careful not to hit any lane and be confident enough to surpass any obstacles in the road.

We are the masters of our destiny. No one has the right to rule over our lives and you can't blame anyone for what happened and what will happen to you. Others may affect your life in one way or another but you have the power to rule your life and reject the opinion of others.

If we want change then the first thing that we should do is to think about those things that we need to change and we should be able to realize the actions that we must undertake. Realize that the way we think can greatly affects the manner by which we can attract abundance. If you keep on thinking that you will be able to attract success then things will most likely end that way but if you think the other way around then negative things will start flooding the scene.

For us to attract abundance, we must make it a point to improve ourselves in the best manner possible. You should know yourself from head to foot so you can think about those factors that need improvement and those things that got to stay. You must be able to identify your strengths as well as your weakness because they can do you good in the long run. You must be able to improve your strong assets and look for means that you can improve your weakness.

The law of attraction says that what you think about you attract. This simply connotes that by the time when we think positively then we can see positive results. The same is true in case we permit negative thoughts to rule our own life.

It may not be easy at first but in the long run, you can do it! The best of luck to you. - 31955

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Easily Develop The Power Of Telepathy

By Paul Fowles

Telepathic communication is essentially the transfer of thoughts, emotions, or feelings between two people, using nothing but the power of the mind.

Interestingly enough, a certain amount of telepathic ability is present in virtually all people. However, it's unfortunate that the vast majority of people have no idea as to how to control this ability on a conscious level. While practically everyone experiences some telepathic activity on a subconscious level from time to time, wouldn't it be amazing if we could control this ability as and how we see fit, in order to communicate.

Have you ever been walking down the road feeling as though you are on top of the world, only to bump into someone you know, and to discover they are feeling depressed and miserable? Within just a short space of time your own mood will have changed to be more in line with that person's mood. Even so, there is still much skepticism regarding the use of mind power.

What I'm trying to say is; it's not necessarily the words which someone says to you, but instead it's the transference of their feelings and emotions to your subconscious mind, and this in itself is a form of telepathy.

It has also been established scientifically, that if one manages to gain access to their subconscious mind, and they learn how to focus their thoughts towards another specific person, it is possible to once again stir up those dormant telepathic abilities.

As children we are taught by our parents and by our teachers how to communicate. Not only are we taught how to speak, but we also learn a vast amount of body language. In fact, we learn to mimic to such an extent that we even talk with the same accent as those who taught us. Of course, this goes to show that we all have the same ability with regards to learning how to communicate, but unfortunately we only learn those things which we are taught.

How different would things be had our parents decided to teach us about that "other" certain ability? How would things be today if our parents taught us how to communicate with our minds? Surely, just because our parents never taught us, doesn't necessarily mean that we can never learn to do it.

Let's take a look at a few ways one can use in order to reawaken ones telepathic ability.

Developing Your Mental Muscle

It only stands to reason that in order to master the art of telepathic communication, we need to strengthen and develop our telepathic muscle in much the same way as children need to develop their voice boxes, and the ability to control the way they use their mouths.

Interestingly enough, the part of the brain that controls telepathy, exercises most of its influence on the subconscious level, when you're in a trancelike state of mind. Essentially, this state of mind is simply a state of deep relaxation which all human beings are able to reach.

Providing you learn how to relax your mind sufficiently, this trancelike state can be reached, and when you do, you would have begun to train your mind so that it can be controlled at will.

The Importance of Being Able To Focus

This is perhaps one of the most difficult challenges of all because it is certainly not easy to remain focused during a time when you're experiencing a trancelike state of mind. The next time you have a practice session, you need to practice focusing on someone you'd like to make contact with.

You need to picture this person in your mind together with happy thoughts. You then need to imagine this person actually receiving all those thoughts and feelings you're trying to transfer across. The length of time that you need to remain focused will depend on how long you feel it takes to make a connection.

Now you need to interrupt your focus in order to sever any contact with the other person. They should in turn feel that the contact has been broken and that communication has been lost, and as a result, they should then try and re-establish a connection from their side.

The reason why it is advisable for you to practice focusing while you're on your own, is so that when the time comes for you to practice with a partner, your mind will already be conditioned to receive images, thoughts, feelings, and impressions.

Practicing With a Partner

Once you have a partner, the two of you need to decide which one will be the sender, and which one will be receiving. Ideally, the sender should only attempt to project images of simple things, preferably of things which are brightly colored and easy to recognize.

The receiver on the other hand should be prepared in order to take down notes with regards to any thoughts or impressions which they feel they receive.

When you reach the end of your training session, the two of you should go ahead and compare notes in order to establish how many impressions were correct. You can be a rest assured that the more times you practice, the better you will get. - 31955

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Make Hip hop Beats! Be Your Own Music Mogul

By Janet Aourthoer

If you are a hip-hop artist, or you would like to inject some fresh new sound into another brand of music, then you might be interested in learning the best way to make hip hop beats. The neat thing about hip hop music and one of the explanations it's so popular is around the construction of the sound which can be really flexible and allow for a large amount of creative expression.

Making beats actually comes down to your inventiveness and a good understanding of what the preferred artists are doing today. You want to train your ear to truly listen to what the industry looks for and you can make your own unique production style by using the fundamentals when you learn the way to make beats from listening and understanding the artists of today.

When you are making hiphop beats the 1st step is definitely creating the drum groove. The fundamental component of any great song is the drum beat. You can create this beat using midi-drums, a drum loop or an individually designed drum loop using your beat making software. It's critical that your drum beat is around 4 to 8 measures long to be a solid base.

The next step in learning how to make hip hop beats is to lay a bass line over the top of your drum beat. The bass line that you create should complement the drum beat that you have already chosen, it also has to be actually catchy and in a loop. This is an important part to the beat and like the drums, it can be made as an original beat with your software.

Now you have the ideal base for your beats you can actually start getting creative. The very next step in learning to make beats is to add the musical sound or part that lies ott of the foundation you have created. - 31955

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Discover This Step-by-Step Instruction To Make Your Own Beats

By Roger Vaatarc

Wish to make beats on your computer but don't know where to start? Well, it isn't difficult these days, thanks to the technical advancement and you definitely needn't be a pro or to have a studio to make music beats.

Time has change and so is beat making. It is now possible for anyone even a total beginner that know nothing about beat making to make great music beats ( hip hop beats, rap beats, techno beats etc . ) right from their computer.

All right, let's get to the basic on how to make beats on your personal computer. Everyone knows that a beat consists of bass, drums, samples and instruments ( real or synthesized ). The drum being the most important component of a beat can be insulated from a break beat. Next, choose a sample and take the snare, kick and the hi-hat.

Tips : select those with the least of background noise.

Now load the drum samples in a music sequencer. What you are going to do next is to replace the drum kit with your own drum. There are 1000's of drum samples in a good beat maker and sequencer like Sonic Producer. When you're done, you now need to make the pattern for your song. You can boost your beat by adding other music elements like percussion, basses, electricbass, piano and so on.

Ok, we are almost done here. Now, choose your speed. Depending on the music genre that you want to make. For hip hop, something like ninety to one hundred is common but you can most certainly try out new things so long as it sounds excellent. The introduction should be easy. I love to use straightforward kick and snare as the intro. Now select your main drum pattern and another one as your bridge drum pattern. That is it. The basic layout is complete. - 31955

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The Secret To The Secret Of Creating Abundance Wealth And Money In Your Life

By Sylvia Mackley

There has been a great deal of attention lately regarding the law of attraction and how to create abundance. These topics have been brought into the light through movies and books as well as nationally aired talk shows on TV. Millions have been made aware of what religion and philosophy has been saying since time immemorial -- you create your own reality. For many, creating one's own reality means finding out how to cause abundance money and wealth to come into your life.

A Universal law states that like attracts like. Here's how you can demonstrate that axiom. Take a guitar that has been properly tuned and hold a vibrating tuning for in the pitch of A-440 next to the strings. You'll notice that the A-string on the guitar will immediately start to vibrate also, even though it hasn't been touched. But, in fact, it HAS been touched, invisibly.

Or, you can take two tuning forks of the same pitch, strike one and then hold it close to the other. You'll see the second fork start to vibrate also, seemingly of its own volition. This is called sympathetic vibration, and it doesn't work with just tuning forks and guitars, but everything else too. Like attracts like.

Science tells us that the Universe in which we live is in constant movement. Everything is vibrating at its own frequency. Nothing stands still, even for a moment. Even things like a rock or a piece of metal, when looked at through a powerful microscope, will reveal that they are in a state of flux.

You can achieve sympathy with any vibration by tuning into it, similar to the tuning forks mentioned earlier. Radios and TV sets are designed to tune into certain vibrations to produce pictures and sounds. When you change the station or the channel, you're tuning into a different vibration so you get a different sound or picture. Your life is very much like this example. You create your reality by the nature of the vibrations into which you're constantly tuning.

Many people have been successful in applying the laws described in the programs dealing with the law of attraction and creating abundance. One specific book, called 'The Secret', has gained worldwide fame and introduced the subject to countless aspirants. But for all those who have succeeded, there are many more who have failed in their quest and come away disappointed and unfulfilled. They wonder, if the law of attraction works for some, why doesn't it work for me? Why has my life not been transformed with abundance?

To understand why, it's important to realize that there's a secret to the secret. Thinking about acquiring something, even with strong desire and persistence is not enough. Unless your subconscious mind is also on-board, it won't happen. Your subconscious mind, in a manner of speaking, is responsible for 'giving you permission' to achieve the things you desire.

It's easy enough to direct the subconscious to do what you want, but first it must be reprogrammed in certain ways. This is not difficult, especially with the new technology available to aid in this task. Once you've done this, and your subconscious mind says it's okay, you will be able to create all the abundance wealth and money you desire and deserve. - 31955

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Intention Manifestation Is Becoming A Mainstream Notion

By Joshua James

The concept of reaching dreams and goals through the concept of intention manifestation was once considered a New Age notion, reserved for mystics and gurus. In recent years, the idea that we create our own destiny is becoming a more mainstream concept. As science looks more deeply for answers, the more mystery is discovered. The thought that we can create the life we want has always been appealing; in recent years it is becoming more believable.

Being open to the idea that our reality is our own creation is powerful. The simplicity of performing daily tasks, whether it be cooking a meal or running an errand, can be seen as part of our mental picture before it reaches the physical world. Expanding that concept to include creating more of what we want in our lives, seen in this way, is not a huge stretch.

Many books have been written about visualization, positive thinking, affirmations and the like. For some, they lead to disappointment when they don't return an instant return. For others, it develops a habit of using the mind as a tool to see the world in a more positive light. Setting goals and imagining them to be achieved can be a powerful tool for shining a finer light on one's life.

Too easy? Possibly. However, following the principles of positive thinking has led to happiness and success for many people. For some, their measure of success is in doing good works, for others, it is having a fulfilling family life. Not everyone defines happiness and success in the same way, but to achieve it, there seems to be a common thread of attitude and of feeding the subconscious mind with positive thoughts.

For so many more, taking responsibility for their lives seems daunting. They feel no control in their lives and no power to change them. The ways to turn this attitude around could fill a book store, and if it were easy, we would all be living the lives or our dreams. There doesn't seem to be a magic trick to all of this, as each person's life unfolds in a unique way.

Perhaps the idea of destiny, karma, soul lessons all play a part. Perhaps the idea that this is all a random roll of the dice and we are all in the game of life for no deeper meaning is the real truth. No one knows, but to create a happy life in spite of life's ups and downs is something everyone seems to be searching for.

It could be that we hold the key to our own happiness. Perhaps our best adviser is our own intuition. Certainly developing a positive attitude, even when the chips are down, can help smooth out the rough patches. Even if the world is a random place, there can be some peace in taking responsibility for how we respond to it.

Whatever the trick, mastering the art of intention manifestation is an appealing goal. Even if it teaches us nothing more than to feel better about life under any circumstance, that is a positive thing. - 31955

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What Does Extra Sensory Mean

By Lee Williams

There are so many people making money by listing horoscopes and claiming they can tell another person exactly how their lives are going to turn out, in exchange for a fee. So many people have the wrong idea of how to use extra sensory, that many people have fallen victim to these known psychic's because everyone does not realize that each person which has a soul has the ability of extra sensory.

The cause for most people to hide the fact that they have an extra sensory sense, dates back to the early witch trials. The lead Christians that became aware of these types of people, and drew negative conclusions based on their interpretations of the bible. However, these leaders that were unaware that these extra sensory abilities are instilled in every living soul on the Earth, made a dreadful mistake in associated extra sensory abilities with witchcraft.

There are six senses associated with extra sensory. Everyone of these six senses are associated with locations on the body versus the physical senses which are associated with actual parts of the body. A common term for extra sensory is when someone is referred to as having a sixth sense. This is not a true assumption by far, when in reality there are six psychic senses by them selves which make up the extra sensory team.

Some old timers have associated the sixth sense as being one extra sensory product, when a child has fallen prey to an accident which takes one of their five physical senses. This is an old explanation of what really happens. The assumption is completely wrong when insinuating a child loses a physical sense and gains a psychic sense.

There are six known members of the extra sensory category. Unlike the physical senses, which can be impaired due to several reasons. Such as when a person works around a constant low decibel hum, in relation to sound. The low decibel hum may go undetected because the individual is in contact with it constantly, and is usually manipulated by the mind as getting used to the sound.

In reality, if hearing protection is not worn, even when the decibels of the which creates an almost undetectable sounds which are very low, the hearing will become impaired. Thus, the individual did not get used to the sound, the hearing sense has lost the ability to hear the low decibel hum.

Since everyone comes out of the womb in gods image, the image meaning the abilities that fall into the categories of extra sensory. However, since everyone does not make the same choices as the physical bodies become adults, if a child lives to adulthood has a major impact on whether or not a person can develop and use extra sensory skills.

On the personal philosophy side of extra sensory, it is a personal philosophy that tragedies happen to those that have not used the gift of god that allows extra sensory. Once these senses are exposed and an individual sharpens the extra sensory the limits of life are lifted and that person can use those senses to stop evil. - 31955

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Want To Boost Your Self Confidence?

By Danny S. Jones

Of the insistent factors to accomplishment in life, confidence is probably the most important and the most unique. If you are not sure yourself about your capacity to accomplish something, there's fat likelihood that you will actually be in a position to do it. A number of folks lack this crucial character feature to success. If you think that you lack this very imperative ingredient to success, here are some proposals to get the solution of your problem.

First of all you have to stop putting yourself down. It is all about not underestimating your capacity and believing in yourself. If you keep on thinking that you can't do a particular thing, you may never be able to do it. And anyway how hard you might be at something, you should never think that you can never do any good at it. As long as the underestimation factor stays, you can't get self confidence nor success. Attempt to think positive and trust yourself.

A smile is another factor which brings self confidence. Those who smile in the face of trouble are those who achieve success in the final research. A smile is something which makes you suspect that things are ordinary and in order. Smile impacts the overall personality of individual and team and thus helps bring in the confidence that is needed to find work done.

Faking confidence is another smart trick to lift your self confidence. Even if you're on the edge of having a scared breakdown, pretend that you are absolutely confident. Start to behave in a confident manner even if you're not. Over a period, the fake assured behaviour will get to you and will seem just as natural.

Check your subconscious movements. You can't do much good to your self confidence if you are doggedly taking a look at the floor. Stop avoiding eye contact or fidgeting with your clothes. Make sure that your shoulders aren't drooping. Pull up your shoulders and have your head high when you walk. And make sure that you look into the eye when you talk. These straightforward things will take your self image to an all together different level.

Volunteer wherever you can. Remember that if you can make the littlest of difference, it is still a difference and you did contribute. Stop waiting for the chance of a lifetime and start to take the littlest ones which come your way. They are going to help you build confidence bit by bit.

Last but not the least; it's integral to realise that you are no different from guaranteed people. In reality the people who seem very confident confident can be as shocked as you are. So get rid of your worries. Keep these points in mind and be sure that your self confidence will scale new heights. - 31955

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Important Tips To Overcome Fear

By Kevin R. Dodson

There is no denial of the fact that fear is one of the horrible things. Fear has a particularly negative influence on the life sometimes. Always it's the fear that may stop you from meeting your set goals and targets. So it is in your interest that you keep fear away from your life to the maximum extent attainable. Let's look at some of the measures which will help you fight fear effectively.

Before you overcome any problem, it is first vital to understand what causes the issue in the 1st place. The same applies for your fears too. It makes little sense to put in constant efforts and realize later it wasn't the actual area of concern. It is exceedingly unremarkable sight to find people scared of stuff like height and water. Just about always the reason behind the fear is something completely different than what's presumed.

This means that before you start any efforts to overcome your fear, you must identify all the stuff you fear. Fighting fear involves deliberately exposing yourself to things you are afraid of so if a person is terrified of water, he should expose himself to water by sitting by a stream or pool. For those frightened of public talking, they shouldn't let any public talking opportunity pass, even in parties for instance. Such exposure definitely helps.

One thing that you can not do without in this direction is self image. been observed that self confidence is the sure shot means to drive away the strongest of fears. The best way to raise your level of confidence is to make use of the affirmative statements. The best statement in this context is I should do it". This may buttress the belief in yourself which is a pre requisite to battle the difficulties and the fears in an easy demeanour.

Read positive learning material on self development. Expert steerage always helps especially when you are wrestling with your fears. Reading positive material may help you research your fears better. With the aid of such material, you may be ready to work out the precise reason for your fear. Also, such positive books help you grow as a person and fortify the areas you are feeble in.

Gather some support. Fighting your fear or any other problem becomes a lot easier when you have support around. You could garner support from your family as well as pals. Tell them your problem and make them understand. Their advice or their support will help you a long way in coping with your fears. You might also find yourself a trainer or an idol whom you can look up to for inspiration and motivation.

Last but not the least ; trust god. It is important to feel the link with god and this does not always come from transforming into a sage. For this simply take out a bit of time on daily foundation for your interaction with the god. You can also follow a regular program of going to church and praying more than you infrequently do. This could go a long way in giving you the inner strength and the positive attitude that is necessary to keep fear in check for long.

Try these tips and get rid of your fear. - 31955

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Secrets To Creating Success While Having Fun Doing It!

By Annie Jennings

One of the steps to having lots of business success is to start by doing what you enjoy doing. Set up a business model that inspires you and does not fill you with stress and anxiety. Its better to build a business doing what you love, than struggling every day building a business because you ave to and not because you want to!

Share your message with others. Share really good and relevant content. You will find that sharing your message is fun! Know you are helping others offers you an incredible thrill. We all love a thrill so why not do things that make our day fly by - by sharing our knowledge, skills and strategies with our target clients? They will love you for it as you can get the ball started for them. Then, when they are ready for the next step, they can give you a call.

Go for success for yourself. As more time passes, you will wish you started sooner. So why not get started today. You can do this. You can be the Donald Trump of your life. You don't have to make millions. You just have to make enough. So first, select a business that you love. I know, but where there is a will there is a way to create a successful business. Do what you love, share your knowledge with others and guess what happens next? You get creative in your thinking, inspired actually, and the products or services that your target clients need, want and will buy will suddenly be obvious to you! You just have to trust the process.

When you know your marketplace and what they hope to achieve with their investment in your products or services you can create the right offerings at the right time. No one wants to buy anything outdated. Client want the next big idea that they can use to create more success for themselves. Create what your market will buy. Your market buys what is good for them and their business growth. So if they are buying your products or hiring you then you have hit the nail on the head. But first, you must reach your target market to know if you have worthwhile products and services. Then, if given the chance, they don't buy; you will know that you have to reinvent your business model.

To give extra meaning and energy to your day wrap everyday around your mission statement for passion and excitement. No "bland and boring mission statements please". Create an exciting expression of what you really want to accomplish in life in your personal mission statement. Know what you will accomplish and why. Your mission statement will propel your growth and fuel your business growth. - 31955

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Best Home Enterprise Opportunity

By Addison Vecleei

There are many home based enterprise opportunities floating around the Net, but the difficulty is you don't know who to believe and if it is a real trick. After doing some research, I discovered the best home business opportunity i have seen in a while.

The company I found is named Project Payday and i have been making regular income with them since day one. If you've heard about them before, I know what you are thinking ( one gigantic scam ), that is what I assumed too.

But after reading some reviews about them, most good and one or two bad, I thought I might give them a shot. Reason being it was completely free to join them. All I had to do was give them my name and e-mail and that was it. They didn't spam me in any way, so do not be disturbed about that. As a matter of fact they detest spam and they'll tell you that after you sign up with them.

The idea behind how this company works is by utilizing motivation / freebie websites. I am sure you have seen those free offers on the internet about how it is possible to get a free iPod or plasma TV. Well what they don't tell you is that you're going to need to refer a specific number of folks to these websites to get the free item.

Here is where the Project pay-day system comes into action. They train and tell you where to go to get folk to pay you to be a referral for them. This is just the first way to earn money with this company. There are 2 alternative routes and I will go more into detail about it on my blog. I really think this is the best home based revenue opportunity you'll be able to find. There is a lot of money to be made doing this folks, if you will just give it a try. - 31955

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Is The Law Of Attraction Really Effective?

By Jill M Taylor

The Law of Attraction is a universal law which states that our lives depend on our thoughts and emotions. It is a law of creation. Despite the simplicity of this law, it is difficult to understand because it differs from everything we were used to believe. Famous people like Albert Einstein and Joseph Addison knew how to use the law of attraction. Albert Einstein said that everything is energy. Experts in quantum physics claim that you are influencing everything around you. Whether you use it consciously or not, this law is constantly in action as the law of gravity.

Initially, agree with me that the law of gravity exists, regardless of your beliefs. This is also available for the Universal Laws. Not only that these laws exist, but they concern you directly. Of all the laws, the law of attraction is the most powerful one. It states that your thoughts and beliefs influence your life. Here's how it works. When you focus your mind on what you want, the object of your desire is attracted to you.

Here are the principles of the law of attraction, which you can apply to attract luck in all areas of your life, as many others do:

Consider yourself a magnet that attracts energies in accordance with the subtle vibrations produced by your thoughts and emotions. Happenings and experiences you live are the result of your thoughts. If you don't trust yourself and your ability to attract wealth, love and health, you block the positive energy, because your impatience acts as a barrier. It is said that lucky people are more detached from their ultimate purpose, leaving the laws of the universe to help them. Lucky people feel lucky and trust themselves, without being overwhelmed by problems that any human being has in every moment of his life.

Start by thinking about what you really want. You must focus on what you desire and to forget about lacks. You should always read and write positive affirmations, avoiding expressions like 'I don't want' or 'I can't have'. Your statements are detailed images that you project to the universe.

Love yourself! Love and positive thoughts attract positive energies. The easiest and most effective way to accomplish your desires is to imagine that you have already obtained the object of your desire, that it is part of your everyday life. When you want something, you should focus your thoughts and attention on it; by thinking intensely, you are emitting vibrations that attract positive things to your life.

Remember that everything, absolutely everything that happens in your life is attracted to you through the images created in your mind. Start doing things that influence your mood positively. When it comes about the law of attraction, each detail matters. An interesting book, some good music or a beautiful picture can help you to get rid of negative thoughts.

Luck and bad luck doesn't exist. You're not a victim of life or a victim of the vengeance of a higher power, a God or gods. Only you have the ability and strength to build your own life, stone by stone, solidified by actions, faith, tenacity and perseverance.

Be grateful and enjoy what you have, even if there are moments when you feel that everything goes wrong. Think better! Even if you are unhappy because your boyfriend left you and you have no job, enjoy your health and the things you have. Most of us don't pay attention to all these, but think about how many people lost their homes because of floods or hurricanes, people who thought, like us, that all these things are essential and can't disappear suddenly. Enjoy what you have and fight to have what you want. - 31955

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What Women Should Know If They Do Not Wish To Fail At Work?

By Antoinette R. Wallace

Performance pressure is as intense today for women as for men. Either sex can combat such pressure by sticking to a few handy tips. Here we look at certain techniques by which a woman would be able to address high pressure eventualities and not fail at her work place.

Stay away from gossiping. This is the golden rule that ladies need to follow if they might like to have a sound business career.You might just be prepared to get through gangs at work if you are a gossip monger, but you won't be trusted for sure. And if you are continuously gossiping about others, do not be shocked if there is gossip going on about you too. There's no need for you to drag others down as this can only show your amateur side.

Avoid unseemly dressing. You could just end up looking hot in that micro mini but it will not help you earn professional repute. Also, there's not any reason why you should be wearing track pants to work. It is very critical that you dress well to work. Don't expect to be regarded seriously if you're not dressing the way you need to work. Remember, an appropriate dressing sense is one of the first and most important signs of professionalism.

Stop being quiet all the time. There is not any need for you to communicate up when not needed but when you have things to assert that's of some value then make sure that you say it. Many ladies think that voicing their opinion can make them look aggressive or dominating. this isn't true. People will think of you as another mindless woman if you Do not talk anything.

Know where to put the cutoff. It's a sign of a good good player to help the colleagues with their work. This not only buttresss the bond between the colleagues but also improves the virility of the work. you needn't be extra giving. You need not help out in each and every task. This is as then you will be under the uncalled for pressure of doing lot many things together. This could negatively influence your capacity to meet the set targets. This naturally isn't a healthy sign for your professional life.

You have to also find out how to handle feedback and learn from it. It'll help you grow and develop in your selected field. Taking in only the compliments and ignoring the criticism could impede your career growth. When someone criticizes you must ideally take their opinion into account and analyze whether there's some truth to it after all. Also, take into account the source it's coming from. If the criticism is coming from a reputed senior or a valued person, you may very well take his or her comments to heart and work on correcting it.

So do not let the work pressure deter you form working optimally. Just employ these measures and be assured you will deal with the work place issues in a much better manner. - 31955

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Personal Psychic Development and How to Attain it

By Angeline Tribe

For untold millennia, the power of psychic abilities has been known. Individuals have been known to enhance their own psychic powers with psychic development. Psychic abilities, however, are different than what we think or know of them. Today's modern world is skeptical of these abilities. Abilities that all humans have, have become known as cheap theatrical tricks of magic.

Firstly keep in mind, when learning about your own psychic powers and attempting psychic development, is what we see isn't all there is to see. All too often we humans think that, in the entire cosmos, we are the only ones and the ultimate authority.

In awakening your latent psychic abilities is understanding that you are only a small piece of a much larger picture puzzle. Humans are very arrogant and believe they command all in the universe. However, this arrogance humans have is both foolish and often dangerous.

The first thing to come to mind when thinking of psychic powers could be the psychics who are available over the phone, those who use questionable magic tricks, get rich schemes and those using talking to those in the spirit world schemes. These modern day schemes are what give the legitimate psychics a bad reputation. Legitimate psychics are often put into the same category as those who scheme others with their pretend abilities. Often labeled cultist and religious nuts. Often criticized by those of major religions of the world.

A idea, which is completely false, is that psychic development is bad or even evil. Every human has these latent abilities of psychic power and the ability to develop them. But before you can think about developing these personal psychic powers, you must have unwavering faith in yourself and the flexibility of your mind to achieve these powers.

Psychic abilities are not mystical or even magical. They go beyond our world, as we know it, and often labeled as magic tricks. The development of psychic abilities requires only that you accept unscientific and unorthodox things as being true. Accepting that the mind is much more powerful than you've been led believe is the first step in the process.

When you look back in history many empires, religions, and groups had special people that they labeled as mystics and prophets. These were people who had unusual abilities and could see and do things that are considered completely absurd in our modern day world. These ranged from seeing the future, healing wounds, summoning and working with beings of pure energy, and sometimes working with the dead.

While this last part sounds a bit creepy, it actually has a legitimate purpose. Sometimes when people die, they have ties to this world, ties to loved ones, or unresolved issues that eat away at them. This keeps them from moving on from this world and can cause them a great deal of pain and misery. Psychics who work in this area try to help these unfortunate souls solve their problems and move on to the next world.

Keep in mind this isn't something cool, or some fad that's the current trend. Working with peoples souls and using abilities of this kind is a huge responsibility. Don't try to undertake personal psychic development just for your own amusement. If you feel you can accept this, there are a few things to do to begin your learning process.

At the beginning of developing your psychic ability, it may seem like nothing is working. This is takes time to bring down barriers forced upon us by the modern beliefs of society. Concepts of good and evil, religious morality and the fear of something that is different. These are all some of the challenges faced.

You can begin to tear down these barriers by meditating every day and looking inside yourself. The meditation ritual is up to you, whatever relaxes you and opens you to the universe.

This is your personal journey and what may work for other individuals may not work for you. Have patience and be persistent.

When you have opened your mind, you will begin to accept the truth of certain ideas. You will experience relative things to the development of your psychic abilities. Some of the events you will experience will be lucid dreams, OBE's and other interesting events. You and the universe are part of each other. Let it guide you. - 31955

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Project Payday! A Scam?

By Addison Vecleei

This article serves as an informational tool to teach people who are inquiring about Project Payday. If you are wondering whether it's a sting, it is not. You can earn cash with this however it will need great organizational abilities and your credit card information.

Project payday has 2 ways for you to make money : methodology 1 and methodology 2.

Method 1 involves you joining a forum and in the coaching area you will find posts for buying referrals. You choose your "buyer", then you and your purchaser set up a trade of which you can receive between 40-70% of the buyer's commission. So if your consumer receives $60 from the IFW ( Incentivized Freebie sites ), you will get $40 for going "green" ( that's what they call it once you've completed the required amount of offers ). So if your offers costs you $20, then you definitely made a profit of $20 using this technique. However , you have got to complete about 6-8 offers to make a $20 profit.

Strategy 2 is essentially the flip-side of strategy 1. In method two you're basically buying the referrals, thus you act as the "buyer", as mentioned in the description of method 1. However it's hard to earn income using this method as you are contesting with other "seasoned" more experienced purchasers. Those looking to select their "buyer" are much more likely going to select one who is more experienced than you, who's just new to the game.

Fundamentally you can earn cash doing this but it would most likely take a special sort of person to do so. You must be well arranged, patient, have plenty of time to give up and don't mind your private credit card information to be frequently used.

This is obviously NOT FOR ME! I will share however , a program that doesn't require a bunch of time and is really profitable. Visit my web site for more information on this exciting program. - 31955

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Out of Body Travel Down Through the Ages

By George L Stevens

Since the time of the ancient Egyptians out of body travel has been recorded by various cultures. The Egyptians called the astral body or soul, Kha and produced images of the astral body hovering just over or beyond the real body. Often it was depicted as translucent, airy and haloed.

The ancient Egyptians were fascinated by the astral body, and experimented with many methods of controlling it in order to visit other planes of time and space while the physical body stayed behind. It is suspected that it is through experiences such as these that they were able to learn the skills necessary to build the pyramids using only the materials they had at the time, which is something that still baffles scientists to this day.

Meditation is the first element that the ancient Egyptians used for out of body travel. They recorded this as concentrating on nothing more than the visions they would see with their eyes closed and being nearly asleep. The flashes of patterns and lights that they would see represented the beginning of their journey to another plane in space and time while traveling in their astral body.

When this state passed, the astral body was said to then enter into an emergence phase, which in turn caused the physical body to hum or tingle and then feel very heavy. The ancients believed this feeling of tingling and heaviness was actually the feeling of the astral body pulling away from the physical body, and initiating the out of body journey into the unknown.

This could be accomplished in various ways. However, the most common practice was that of simply walking out of ones physical body. This would begin through the minds eye, then followed by the shoulders, chest, hips, legs, knees and then the feet until two entities of a astral body and physical body appeared.

Once separated, the astral body was then not only free to pass through the solid objects that restrained the physical body, but to hover and fly as well without being affected by the changes in atmosphere or the lack of oxygen.

Recordings of the ancient Greeks include examples of out of body astral travel, which expanded on the meditatively-induced state of the ancient Egyptians. This included the experiences of out of body travel by the means of some sort of mental or physical trauma. Plutarch of Queroneia an ancient historian cites that Arisdeu had suffered a blunt head trauma after falling and then slipped into a coma that lasted three days.

During this time the experience of Arisdeu included seeing his immobile physical body on the ground, although he was able to freely move about. He was able to travel out of body to previously unimagined places. After adapting to this new environment, the spirit guide of Arideu met him and assisted him and then advised him of the projection of his astral body into other dimensions.

Although, he was eventually pulled back into his physical body, while in his altered state he did learn and explore. Once returning to his physical body, he did spend the rest of his life using the knowledge he found during the time of his out of body experience.

Ancient Egyptians and Greeks are not the only cultures to record the history of out of body travel. The history of the Native Americans contains many full accounts of similar occurrences. These include meeting spirit guides and spirit animals advising on the traveling of the astral body. Native Americans have for centuries burned and then inhaled the smoke of particular plants to help relax the mind to the point required for out of body travel.

Since the beginning of recorded time, human beings have been able to channel their consciousness into a spiritual body, which is then capable of exploring the limitless horizons of space and time. But in today's technological age with it fast-paced culture, many of us have lost touch with this ability to alter our consciousness to the point that we can release it from the confines of our physical limitations, and with practice, join our spiritual guides and counterparts on a higher plane of existence.

In order to reopen this door to higher planes within us all, we have to remember how we can reconnect with our higher, spiritual selves. Once we are able to do this, we are able to use our out of body experiences to reach the higher planes of existence. This natural process is unlimited in its possibilities. When we are able to rediscover this natural part of us that so many have forgotten, we open ourselves up to the potentials of traveling the astral plane and understanding our higher, spiritual self. - 31955

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Remote Viewing. What Is Really Going On?

By Hugo Preis

The ability to see places, people and objects that are not within the range of your five senses is known as remote viewing and even though you can not see or hear what is going on, when properly trained, your innate psychic sense can be trained to learn things and to observe things on your behalf.

Remember that remote viewing is not the same as an out of body experience. With an out of body experience, which is also called astral travel, you travel in a spirit form to see things or places far from you.

On the other hand, with remote viewing, you are looking at a form of psychic dowsing, where you can use your innate psychic power to find out what you need. Essentially, you will be using ESP to find out what you need.

The truth of the matter is that all people are capable of it. While it is easier to develop when you are young, you will find that you can easily learn it when you are older as well. When you think about the fact that you only use ten percent of your brain, there is a lot of potential there that is going untapped.

Think of how useful it could be to simply reach out and make contact with your children no matter where they are. This kind of security can be useful to any parent and this is just one way that you can use remote viewing.

The interesting thing about remote viewing is that anyone can learn how to do it. Once you have been taught how to go into a trance like state, you will be able to engage in remote viewing with just a little bit of practice. This art has a lot more to do with practice than with innate ability!

If you want to try remote viewing, there are a few tips you can look into.

*First, sit yourself down in a quiet comfortable place and close your eyes. Get rid of as many distractions as you can.

*As you feel your body relax, start to breathe through your nose. You might want to make it easier for yourself by pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth; happily enough, this will also keep you from yawning!

*Remember that you need to believe in yourself and your ability to do this. As you get more and more relaxed, tell yourself that you are capable of seeing places, people or events that you are not physically seeing.

*Start with a target that you know very well. Many people work up to this by picturing themselves. Instead of picturing yourself like a mirror, think about how you might appear to other people. It can take some time to work yourself up to the right kind of picture, but when you do this, remember to be patient with yourself. It can be a surprisingly enlightening phase to see yourself as others do, and without a doubt, many people learn things about themselves that they never knew before.

*One you can view yourself from a remote perspective, take a moment to think about how you can cast your viewing eye even wider. Think about a location that you know very well, whether it is a park that you are very familiar with or the home of a friend. Look for details, like where the books are or what is playing on the television. After you have finished, consider going to the place or calling to see if what you saw was correct; this will really allow you to check your results and to see what is going on.

You might want to try these exercises with two people who can check each other. You and your friend should sit in separate rooms, outside of the view of each other. Take turns making simply movements like stroking your own hair or waving and then try to use remote viewing to see what is going on in their room. This can allow you to check yourself right away and you will then be able to compare results.

After you have gotten comfortable with your remote viewing, you will find that it starts going much more quickly and much more effectively. This trance-like state is very much like being hypnotized and you will find that even if you are still awake, you will be relaxed enough to hear with your sub-conscious is telling you.

When you go through your sub-conscious, your psychic abilities are going to be much easier to get to. - 31955

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