Publicity And Media Tips For Experts And Authors

By Gloria Jennings

Writers want their work to be read by many; it will mean that they can keep on writing for a living and not as a side-line. Starting out is always hard for any first-time writer. You do not know what to do or how best to market your work. You will probably not be able to afford a high-quality, big city P. R. Firm to do your marketing for you. You may not even have an agent. So how do you get your work known?

Some authors have realized there is a great need for information about writing books. They have therefore, cleverly, written books about how to advertise the book you have written. The tips in the books may or may not be useful, but what IS useful is how you have learned about their book in the first place. Make your own web page and fan site. No one needs to know that you do not have dedicated fans doing this for you. Write a blog. Make a funny video and put it on YouTube. Advertise on your social networking sites. Make your technology (especially free technology!) work for you.

You may actually be in a better situation financially if you live in a small town instead of a big city. Someone from a small town getting a book published is big news in that area. Residents will rush out to see what their neighbor was able to create. Local media and papers will focus stories on you, which is always excellent and free advertising. In a big city, no one would care. You must use every single chance you get in order to get your name out there.

That said, keep a little mystery around you and be very aware of your own appearance. You are selling both your book and yourself. If you are dumpy or trashy looking, do not speak articulately, tell dumb jokes, or reveal everything about your book during an interview, who is going to want to buy your novel?

You must play on everyone's memories of you. Talk about the town's influence on your writing, or your high school, or other local celebrities in order to give a place pride. Be humble. Remember that people will know your parents or remember you from school and will be eager to see what you have done.

Do not be afraid to put up fliers and do television spots. Network as much as you can, cash in favors, and do not burn any bridges. You will need as much help as you can get in moving your publicity up to the next level. - 31955

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Selling On Ebay- Top 10 Steps To Ebay Seller Success

By Todd Schuyler

Here is my 10 step path to eBay selling success. Follow these 10 steps to be a eBay seller success story.

Step 1: Select your particular market. Research and watch for what sells and what doesn't out of the items you're interested in selling. Any market research data you can collect will be very valuable to you later on. You'll probably see those one or two items that always seem to sell for a good price.

Step 2: Watch your competition and see what they do. Before you invest any money, see what the other sellers in your category are up to, and what their eBay selling strategies are. Pay extra attention to any flaws their auctions might have, because this is where you can move in and beat them at their own game.

Step 3: Find a product you want to sell: Get hold of a drop shipper supplier for whatever it is you want to sell, and see what the best rates you can get are. Don't be afraid to ring round quite a few to get the best deal. If the eBay prices you've seen are higher than the supplier's, then you're set. Use a good wholesaler to buy products and sell for profit.

Step 4: Start small: Don't spend lots of money on your eBay business right away. Start slowly, see what works and what doesn't, and learn as you go along. Remember that it's very cheap to try out even the wildest ideas on eBay, and who knows, they might just work out after all.

Step 5: Test and repeat. Keep trying different eBay marketing strategies until you find something that works well, and then don't be ashamed to keep doing it, again and again. The chances are that you've just found a good niche product.

Step 6: Work out a eBay business plan: A eBay business plan doesn't need to be anything formal, just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you've spotted, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This is more for you than it is for anyone else.

Step 7: Invest and expand the plan: This is the time to start spending more money. Buy product inventory, and start spending more time on your eBay business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.

Step 8: Make you're eBay business official: Once you've made a few thousand dollars worth of sales, you should register yourself as a business. Don't worry, it's not too expensive or difficult to do. A lawyer is the best person to help you through this process.

Step 9: Automate the eBay selling process: You'll probably find that you're writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions. This is the time to give up on the manual method and turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.

Step 10: Never quit: Even when it looks like it's all going wrong, don't stop trying to sell on eBay until you successful. If you keep working at it then you'll almost always find that you make a real breakthrough just when things are starting to look real desperate.

Once you really get into the swing of things, you might start thinking that you should quit your job and take up eBay selling full time. But it's not always as easy as that. There are all sorts of factors that you need to consider. I recommend selling on eBay part time. It is a great way to make extra money. Remember start slow and build up your eBay business.

Are you at a loss for wholesale products to sell on eBay? Don't know where to find products to buy wholesale and sell on eBay? SaleHoo is the best place to find legitimate, pre-screened wholesalers, dropshippers, liquidators and manufacturers for every type of product imaginable. - 31955

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Harness The Power Of The Universe With The Secret Law Of Attraction

By Leona Claives

A new way of thinking has been sweeping the nation for the past few years. It has caused people to feel more confident and to go searching for their goals with a heightened sense of purpose. This new thought process helps to bring anything you want within your grasp. This type of thinking is based on a philosophy espoused by Abraham Hicks called the secret law of attraction.

The theories behind the law of attraction have been around in one form or another since man first began to question his place in the universe. Approximately one hundred years ago, advances were made in being able to feel the powers of the universe in your mind. Since then, refinements have been made and today Abraham Hicks has codified the law of attraction.

If you are planning on making the law of attraction work for you, you need to train your mind to use it. The first step in your training is to have only positive thoughts. This is actually more difficult than it sounds. You need to take all the doubts and secret fears you hold in the back of your mind and sweep them clean away.

This law allows you to attract what you want to and repel what you don't. It helps you to become a positive thinker and influence others with your upbeat thoughts.

These negative thoughts have stuck with us since then. We have to get rid of these thoughts. Start out by telling yourself you are smart, successful, and likeable. If you tell yourself this often enough, you will eventually come to believe it.

Once you completely believe that you are amazing person, it is time to let the powers of the universe work for you. Energy works like a magnet. If you are full of positive energy then the positive energy of the rest of the world will be drawn to you as well. Once you have gathered up all this incredible positive energy, you can project outward from yourself.

Attract other people to you with the force of your personality. Influence people's first impressions. If you are confident and self-assured, others will treat you with more respect. More respect can also lead to more professional and personal opportunities.

Once good things start happening to you because of the law of attraction, it becomes a virtuous loop. You feel good about yourself, so more good things happen to you. This, in turn, boosts your self-esteem so that even more good things happen to you. All you need to do is take the first step of seeing yourself in a positive light and you can let the law of attraction start working for you today. - 31955

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Giving Value To The Powers Of A Psychic Clairvoyant

By Richard David

It is true that there are really some factors about life which can never be explained scientifically. Although it is possible for science to talk about the law of gravity wherein everything that goes up are bound to go down but science can never clarify why there are people who has the extraordinary powers of determining the future, of talking to ghosts, of reading minds, and those other skills that can be very confusing for ordinary fellows. Science for sure can't tackle about the subject of psychic clairvoyant.

Extra sensory perception, known as ESP is the capability of a person to obtain information outside the normal sensory channels like the sense of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Due to the fact that this is fairly a confusing topic among individuals who are not gifted with the skill, studies regarding this phenomenon are scarce.

The capability to get hold of information that concerns a certain event, location, or thing without the need to use the five senses is tagged as clairvoyance. In the history, many psychic clairvoyants exist. Among the most famous one is Emmanuel Swedenborg during the 18th century. This person is a Swedish scientist who had visions of a fire burning three hundred miles away from Stockholm. After a couple of hours, he told the governor about his visions then after a while, a courier arrived to authenticate Swedenborg's proclamations.

Bizarre as this event may seem, psychic clairvoyant are bona fide, they are people who can truthfully forecast events.

Although it is erroneous to say that they are perfect, it is also incorrect to assume that they are fakes. Normally, they will warn you that what they are going to proclaim are just things that are likely to happen, and they are not a hundred percent sure that the forecasts you will be hearing are really those that are bound to take place in your life.

It is common among people to have this misconception that psychics can give tremendously clear picture regarding the facts that the future holds. Keep in mind that the power of psychics is merely limited on telling people about the consequences of their actions.

At the end of the day, it is still the person who has the right to make decisions on how to be able to pursue his or her own life. Irregardless of what the psychic clairvoyant says, it is still the individual himself who should discover what the future has to offer.

If a prediction appears to be inaccurate, the psychic who did the readings should not be blamed. After all, it is our choice that leads us to our destiny hence it is us who have a full control of our life. What a psychic clairvoyant would just do is to open our eyes to the possibilities that may arise due to our choices but readings are not guaranteed as something which will really happen.

So next time you visit a psychic, do not frown if he is unable to tell you about your destiny in specific detail; the name of the person who you are you going to marry, what job will you have, and other definite answers you want to hear . After all, you shouldn't play guessing games with him in the first place. Learn to recognize his limitations and appreciate his gift. - 31955

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Mind Power - Boost your Way to Success

By Alexander George

Are you someone who strongly believes in mind power? Because I do and I believe that with proper usage of mind power we can be successful.

However there are still many people that disagree to this belief and never realized how important mind power is. They don't understand how the power of mind works and just stay where they are, unsatisfied, unhappy and been facing many misfortunes. They don't trust mind power and they don't use this to fulfill their dreams and desires in life.

It would be useless if you argue with this people who complain about many things in their life, talking with their consecutive failures and so many misfortunes. It seems that it is the end of the world for them and they will never be successful like other entrepreneurs or business men/women.

If they only know how to trust their mind and instinct they can get rid of these misfortunes. It would only be a matter of belief, trust, inspiration and support from their loved ones. I know for some that are already contented for simple things that they can have however if they open their minds they can still hold much things as much as they expect, more than of what they are already receiving.

Well, mind power is not difficult to understand. Let us start from the basics. Our minds are capable of doing great things. They have to power to help us achieve our goals in life. They are hidden and just need to be awakened and be useful to humans.

After knowing what you want, focus on that dream and concentrate. Know the needs of that dream and work on that. Do not give up or lose hope if during your first tries there will be imperfections.

Another thing about mind power, you will not achieve something if you are not serious about your dream and if you do not focus to your goals and desires. Go find a direction and know your priorities. Be responsible enough to work things out with concentration and eagerness to fulfill your task. Life is not about being easy and worthless; you have to exert effort and hard work.

Successful entrepreneurs' became truly successful because of hard work and effort. Inspire yourself from their achievements and think positive that someday you will be like them. If you know what kind of attitude to observe while you are on the process of becoming an achiever? In time you will be jumping for joy for all the blessings.

Set proper attitude because this can help you. Think of this, if you are eager motivate yourself more, then put into action what you think you can do to help you walk up to your dreams, while on that direction don't allow distractions just go straight up and be more determined to reach the peak. There will be times that you will be facing conflicts and problem, don't let those negative things pull you down, just continue and love what you are doing.

If you think that there are certain formulas behind mind power then you are wrong. There are no such things like that because the only key to success is to let them work with you while you are struggling to achieve your dreams. Let them work, don't take them for granted, they come naturally in the time we least expect it. - 31955

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Methods To Increase Memory Power

By Trevor Johnson

People of all walks of life seek a better memory. An improved memory can boost a person's performance at work, in relationships and their overall quality of life. There are many ways in existence to help you to increase your memory power.

An individual's ability to remember information depends largely on the the ability to quickly make connections between areas within the brain. This necessarily relies on genetic factors, but to a large extent the performance and overall health of this major organ depends on the circulation of blood.

Cardiovascular exercise is a great first step to improving circulation and memory. The brain's ability to process is very dependent on the amount of oxygen it receives. By running, swimming or doing other activities that raise a person's heart rate over one hundred beats per minute, the body improves it's ability to transport oxygen to all of the vital areas. Sustained durations of this type of exercise for over half an hour, three or more times a week, will lead to lasting improvements in overall circulation.

Besides physical exercise, mental exercise is important. The connections made between areas within the brain occur when a person is mentally stimulated in a new way. Generally, the more connections that exist, the better a person's memory will be. To give the brain a mental workout, learn a to play an instrument, a new language or work on a challenging math problem. This improves not only the ability to retain information, but to think creatively as well.

Supplements are often used to increase circulation and provide necessary nutrients to the brain. Widely used products include B vitamins, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba. In addition to improving circulation, some products act to relieve stress which improves overall health as well as cognitive functions.

Whether for professional or personal reasons, many people look for ways to increase in memory power. Methods to do so vary from person to person. When considering ways to improve this ability, a person should first consider ways to improve their overall health and seek the advice of a doctor before taking new supplements. - 31955

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An Insight Into How To Learn Telepathy

By Richard P Minks

When you send or receive emotions or thoughts directly from your mind to another's this is called telepathy. Telepathic communication is a link between the minds of two people in which ideas can be exchanged without using any of the five physical senses. Anyone can learn telepathy with practice; it's something which is innate in all mankind.

You've more than likely already used your natural telepathic abilities before even if you were unaware of it. All of us have had the experience of thinking of someone only to find them getting in touch with you shortly after.

These happenings are not mere coincidence. The person you were thinking of was actually thinking of you first and you received this telepathic communication.

This person was already meaning to get in touch and the telepathic link gave you a notice that they were thinking of you and that they were going to contact you. Of course, this can also work the other way around; which is why you may call someone you haven't spoken with in a while and have them tell you that they had just been thinking about you.

However, there is a lot of skepticism about telepathy. Some think that it belongs entirely to the realm of science fiction or fantasy or that even if it did exist, that only a small number of people have the ability to use telepathy. Many have a mental block which holds them back from using this natural ability. They may think that this is unnatural or even something which is evil in nature or that since the scientific proof hasn't yet come in that telepathy can't be a real phenomenon.

There are also those who while not skeptical about the idea of telepathy are unconvinced of the value of telepathic communication. We have the power of speech; the reasoning goes, so why would we need this ability? Since it is not something which is generally considered important enough to encourage its development in children, why should one learn to use this natural human ability? The fact is that telepathy is just as useful of a means of communication as are written and spoken language, but it has simply not been made a part of our culture in the way that language has; which does not mean that it is not worth learning.

Spoken language and telepathy fit together to make a whole. Neither can communicate the entire range of human experience and emotional states by themselves, but when you know how to use both, you can enhance your interpersonal relationships and live a richer life.

Developing your telepathic communication abilities has a number of benefits. It is literally learning a sixth sense and lets you communicate in a more direct and intimate way with those around you. While it's not hard to learn telepathy per se, it does take practice like acquiring any new skill.

Partnering up with a close friend who is also interested in learning telepathy is the best way to practice this natural ability. It makes learning easier, quicker and more fun too!

The way to work with a partner is to stay at your respective homes as you practice. You don't want to be able to see their body language or anything else which may give away what they're thinking. Both you and your partner should thoroughly relax before you get started, since it's much harder to communicate telepathically when youre feeling stressed or worried.

You'll take turns with your partner; one will go first and try to establish a telepathic communications channel. Visualize your partner as clearly as you can and then imagine something connection you and your partner. Most people choose to visualize a ray of light, but anything which works for you will do fine.

Use this link to send a thought or an image. Send simple signals to begin with which are clear and easy to understand; but complex enough that it would be hard to guess.

After you feel that you have sent your telepathic signal, call your partner to ask what they received from you. Once you compare notes, take a few minutes to rest and then switch places with the sender in the first exercise now being the receiver.

This takes practice and time to develop, so limit your transmission attempts to 15 minutes and rest in between; telepathy can be mentally exhausting when you're not accustomed to it and you want to prevent yourself from getting frustrated if you don't succeed right away.

Keep a positive outlook towards learning telepathy and practice regularly. You need to train your mind to use this skill, so be patient and before you know it, you'll be able to enjoy all the benefits of learning to use your natural telepathic abilities. - 31955

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How To Strike It Rich Using Publicity Strategies & Success Principles

By Annie Jennings

Is there a secret to success? Is there more than one? Yes! Let's find out what successful people, consultants and business pros believe and do that help them achieve their optimal potential. What is it that they have in common, whether its in their beliefs or in their actions that makes them successful? First of all they use resources available to them including publicity, self-promotion, branding and marketing to create their outstanding advantage in the marketplace. The rest comes naturally. The major opportunities go to the ones who are visible, making a difference, seen and heard by their target market.

What was their success mindset? Did they promote themselves and how? There are two very important characteristics that people who have reached their dreams have in common. The first is that they take responsibility, and secondly, they take action, Here are more common characteristics, principles and traits of successful business professionals: Be ready to invest in yourself. Believe that you are your best investment. Have a well-defined business model that is optimized to meet the demand of the marketplace. Be ready for action. Be committed to your outcome. If you want success, be willing to go for it with gusto.

Showcase your knowledge. Showcase your talent using media outreach. Your clients will love seeing you out there in the media sharing what you know and commenting on the issues. They like to know they are working with and hiring a pro. By doing publicity, marketing and promotion, you let your clients get an idea of your knowledge, wisdom and experience. You client will want to hire you. Clients want certainty. They want to hire the best. Their choice is not always about how much for you cost but made by how you can help them.

Be content driven in your communication with your prospective clients. Content that is king in marketing and promotion. Your goal is to share your message and do an outstanding job on your media interviews and in your newsletters. Pack your website with information to enrich people's lives. Have a bigger vision. Focus on sharing your knowledge responsibility with respectful marketing and your new clients will come. Take responsibility for your success. Use media placements such as radio interviews, TV appearances and commentary in newspapers, magazines and online to drive your marketing. Do not blame others for anything. Be accountable to yourself.

Have a terrific attitude. Commit to proven publicity, branding and marketing strategies. Do not fight success the whole way. Be optimistic. Then it will seem like everything you touch will turn to gold. Have confidence in yourself. Go with your gut, your intuition and your instincts when making choices. Be high energy. Be ready for success & take action. P.S. Don't stop until you get enough success! - 31955

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Fear Of Failure - It Is Your Only Barrier To Success

By Mark Walters

Take a look back at your life over the past 12 months, and tally up how many times you won at something, and how many times you lost out. If you feel that you have lost more times than you would have liked in the last year, you need to ask yourself how many times you did everything within your power to win.

It is a common problem for people not to be doing everything that they can in the situations that they are presented with and, as such, they miss out on seizing the various opportunities presented to them in their life. Therefore, the root cause of their losses is themselves.

So, what is the biggest thing that is currently holding you back from going all out and playing to win? Your answer is most likely the same as the answer given by the vast majority of people, or at least a variation on it, which is fear of failure.

Ask yourself - How many times in your life have you bailed out of a situation, or sat back and been a spectator, just because failure was an unbearable option?

This fear is literally stealing opportunities from you. Opportunities will always continue to present themselves, but whilst you keep on holding back, you will never be able to fully seize them. Even a slight fear of failure is sufficient enough, as not giving everything you have puts you at a serious disadvantage.

Your fortune is sealed the moment that you submit to your fear of failure. By not even trying, how can you ever hope to win?

The fact that the chance of success is small is no reason to not at least try. It is not just in the movies that the underdog wins, it is a regular occurrence in every aspect of life, in every town, in every country, every day. Life is unpredictable, but it can only work in your favor if you give it a chance to.

You will have no doubt heard the phrase "Aim for the moon, at least if you miss you will be among the stars" before, and that can be nicely applied to the point being made here.

By chasing the big opportunities that arise, you will be pushing yourself to be the best that you can possibly can be, and by doing that you will be in a better position in failing than you would in if you had done nothing at all. You might not always get exactly what you were aiming for, but the second and third prizes are often worthwhile.

Your self-confidence will improve by following this approach and so will the confidence that others have you in, as they will see you as being someone with a positive, can-do attitude, which is the type of attitude that others like to be around, and like to believe in.

Whilst it does not necessary matter what others think about you, this will make your life easier, and you will have more support, which means that the next time that you are aiming for the moon, you will have people around you to give you a little extra boost. - 31955

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PSI Seminars- Essential Tools For Maximizing Your Success In Life

By Lance Aldinger

"PSI Seminars" is the term used to mean Personal Success Institute seminars. Thomas D. And Jane C. Willhite are two founders of the institute. They first started in 1973. The main purpose of this institute is to foster the skills of self improvement, leadership and communication.

In life, you can see many people who are very wealthy while many others are not. What determine the chance of success in life? Is it purely good luck? How can you find the ingredients that can combine together to form success? These questions can be answered with the assistance of PSI.

With these seminars, you will be able to create wealth, and achieve whatever you aim at in life. Life is equitable, and there are enough chances for all of us. The requirement here is to be able to find a way to obtain it. Most people are not able to do so. With those seminars, you will learn how to use your truest power to get what you want I life.

PSI also help you build good and profitable relationships. You will learn how to communicate effectively with your spouse, daughters, friends and other people. The focus of the seminars is communication since it is one of the most important factor in a person's success. You can also learn how to influence others and get what you want.

To be truly successful, you need to create a balance between work and life. And PSI seminars will help you to do that. You will make a clear assessment of where you are now and figure out the way to take you where you want to be.

The seminars will help increase your efficiency in work. With the help of the seminars, your inner strength will be discovered and you will know ho to bring it to a new level.

PSI seminars are the best choice for anyone who wants to be successful in life. If you have tried many methods and failed, now it is time to have a course with PSI. - 31955

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6 Easy Steps to Keep a Positive Attitude

By Ed Hodgson

Instead of negative thoughts and feeling having a damaging effect on your online business, develop a positive attitude so that you continue to move forward and be successful instead of doing nothing and moving backwards.

Here are 6 steps to maintaining positive attitude and taking control of your emotions and thoughts to allow endless possibilities into your life.

1. Take Care Of Yourself. Make sure you eat well, rest well and exercise. You want to make sure you do this on a regular basis, at least once a week. (Exercise, that is!)

2. Remember What You Have Already. Always remind yourself of the positive things happening in your life and it will make the difference in being able to keep a positive attitude. You will then naturally start to allow the things that you want in to your life. Make a point of taking 5 minutes everyday to mentally go through what you already have.

3. Self-Belief is Everything. It is one thing looking for acceptance and encouragement from other people but another thing altogether when we become nervous or fearful of what other people's attitudes and ideas might be. You will probably find that your fear is false when you look closer.

So never mind what other people think or say. Never let anyone turn you off track and away from your goals if you know yourself that you are certain of your decision.

4. Be Aware Of What You Say. Or more to the point, how you say it. What I mean is, using certain words or phrases can be the difference between doubting your self and your decisions and keeping a strong positive attitude. Notice when you use certain words like "can't" or "too hard", and change the words you use.

These words will send your thoughts and emotions the wrong way. Be aware of what you're saying and thinking. Instead of "I can't afford this", use "I can't afford this yet" or "I can afford this if I".

5. Take Note Of Negative Thinking. If you start to have negative thoughts and your positive attitude starts to dwindle, be aware of it. The first step in changing your thoughts is awareness. Only then can you recognize it and then do something about it. When any negative thoughts start to come, recognize them for what they are and choose to not think that way.

6. Don't Think About It, Do It. Many people experience the 'paralysis of analysis'. This is the result of constantly planning what you are going to do without ever putting those plans into action. Plans can always change along the way so once you have the basics of a plan, act on it. You can always adapt and change how you are going about something along the way. Always keep going forwards. If you are doing nothing, you are going backwards.

These 6 simple steps to making sure you live and work with a positive attitude will make your goals achievable and bring you success with your online business. - 31955

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Create An Author Expert Media BIO In 10 Easy Steps That The Media Will Love

By Annie Jennings

When an author or expert is seeking publicity and promotion for their book or business in media outlets such as TV, print, newspapers, magazine and online you will need the tools of the trade. The media would like to know right away the most important information about you that will help them learn all about you. Start off with your education, credentials, affiliations and academic achievements.

2. Be sure to include a listing of all of the books you have written along with the names. Also include your special reports, paper or studies that you have taken part in and note any influential affiliations. 3. Make of list of your primary topics of expertise along with your sub-topic to present a well-rounded and overall view of your entire knowledge and areas where you are considered an expert. 4. If you have been working in your area for many years, this further establishes your positioning so include how many years of experience you have.

6. List media appearances TV or radio and quotes in magazines in newspapers. 7. What does not belong in a bio: your personal family history, personal triumphs or tragedies unless they are tied into your area of expertise, your birth place. You can include the location where you currently reside or practice as this can be important if the media would like to book you for a radio or TV segment.

8. You media bio should be concise and accurate. Your information is easily verified by the media so be sure to use the exact and correct information. 9. You can include your media bio on your website along side an expanded bio if you wish that has more information for the media or your visitors. Just label is expanded bio so the media understands that you have a shorter, more concise version as well as an expanded, more detailed, version as well. However, the details must match.

10. In closing, your bio is an essential tool in getting booked as an author or getting booked on media as an expert commenting on a news story. The media will read over your bio and decide. Always have your professional picture ready to send to the media. Take the time, in advance, to get a professional headshot created as the media moves fast and when they ask for your picture, you will need to send it to them immediately. - 31955

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Changing Your Mindset for Success Online

By Ed Hodgson

Whether you are marketing your own products or someone else's product or business opportunity as an affiliate, you have to treat online marketing as a business and constantly keep a positive mindset. If you don't, you will struggle to build and maintain your online business.

Now please don't think that the future of your online business is doomed from the start. That is not my point.

Keep your mindset in a problem-solving, positive state and you will be in a better position to take in the new skills that you will need when you are changing the industry you work in.

Starting an online business can be an emotional journey; your first feelings will be of excitement of the good things to come such as the potential freedom, income and lifestyle.

Then, as you look further beneath the surface you soon realise that there is a whole world of tools, resources and techniques that you need to know about and learn. This is when you start to get those overwhelming feelings of information overload.

This is the point at which you need to guard against any feelings of doubt or lack of belief in yourself. You may well feel that you're not cut out for this and that you made a wrong decision. Well, if you think that is the case, I have some news for you - we have all been there! And those who end up being successful online make a decision to achieve their goals, no matter what the challenges.

"What one man can do, another man can do."

So don't be surprised to feel frustrated as you go through your steep learning curve in gaining the tools and skills to be successful online.

During your journey, if you ever get to a point of feeling totally overwhelmed and ready to throw it all in, then just remember that those feelings are normal and all you need to do is readjust your mindset, go through it and emerge on the other side.

My final bit of advice is this:

The most important thing to online success is proper mindset. If you start slipping into self-doubt, then go back to basics and sort your head out.

Use the industry you are a part of and educate yourself. If that means taking a week out of marketing to get back on track, then that is what it means.

It cannot be stressed enough, the impact your mindset has on your expectations, and the impact your expectations have on the outcome you are looking for. If you are in this industry for the long haul, then approach it with a successful and abundant mindset, take action, and success and abundance is what you shall achieve. - 31955

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Success Is A Work In Progress: The Journey of Success for Work At Home Mums.

By Justine Simard

The long-term projected outcomes of our efforts often reflect our definition of success. That is, we deem that we will be successful once we have achieved the 'big picture' goals. We want to go from the dream to the realisation without giving much credit to the middle act. While work at home mums are busy multi-tasking and juggling family and work commitments, it may be easy to loose track of the gradual achievements which bring us closer to the long-term goals we have established for ourselves.

What is your definition of success? I bet that it involves the completion of the long-term goals you have set yourself to achieve. As work at home mums, we may have set goals of a new house, education for our kids, family travel, health and fitness, financial freedom and self-realisation. My question is: How do you measure success while you are working towards your long-term goals? While you are in limbo between now and your ultimate dream, does it mean you are currently unsuccessful because you aren't yet living the dream?

The daily challenges met by work at home mums warrant their very own success rating, regularly and on a short-term basis. What I am stressing here is that progress is just as important. In fact, monitoring your progress as you move towards your greater goals can have a huge positive effect on your journey in 2 ways: 1. It will enable you to measure progressive outcomes and to track your direction towards achieving your targets, and 2. it will be a constant motivator and prevent you from discouragement and quitting. After all, who in their right mind would maintain their actions while feeling that they are not moving towards their goals?

The point here is that being successful is not solely based on achieving your ultimate goals. The needle does not go from 'unsuccessful' to 'successful' overnight. Success is a journey. As long as you are maintaining consistent and progressive action towards your goals, you are being successful. Tasks become steps; steps become milestones; and milestones follow one another to accomplish dreams. Work at home mums who are periodically completing tasks, steps and milestones towards their goals for their business, family and themselves are being successful.

By periodically asking themselves some questions about their progress, work at home mums can make certain that they are on track, maintain a high level of personal positive reinforcement, and emphasise for themselves that success is a work in progress. Some examples for these questions can be: "What actions did I take today to achieve my next step?", "What have I learnt recently that will help me align myself towards my goals?", "How am I tracking on my progress towards my next task/step/milestone/goal/dream?", "Which tasks I have already achieved which is part of my greater goal?".

Success is a work in progress. It is a journey. Work at home mums should always remind themselves of this while measuring their success towards creating the life goals and dreams they pursue with such commitment. - 31955

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Yes - The Cosmic Ordering Service Does Home Deliveries!

By Gina Daad

Due to the publicity surrounding the cosmic ordering service over the last year or so, more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that it is actually possible to order whatever you want from the universe and it will provide it.

It seems that everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon now that so many celebrities are vouching for it. The question remains though, what are your chances of success as an average person?

In fact theoretically it works for everyone, but people who have not been successful do not realize that they are subconsciously sabotaging their cosmic order. You see whatever you think will happen really does happen!

Everyone has the right and the opportunity to use the cosmic ordering service. The system brings whatever you desire. Some may say, I didn't desire to be ill, to be penniless or unhappy and they are right.

The problem is that they believed it would happen. The Universe doesn't understand negatives. If you say you don't want to be poor, it doesn't hear the word don't, it just hears the words want and poor. You focus on the poverty in this case.

Change that desire around and say I am wealthy in both material wealth, health and happiness. The Universe totally understands the focus of this desire. You emphasize what you want not what you don't want.

Perhaps you have failed here as well and if so, you're not alone. Many people who attempt this, tend to affirm how they are at present, instead of how they could be with a little help from the universe. When you make affirmations, think to the future and how perfect it can be, rather than dwell on the imperfect present moment.

Life brings to us the belief systems of others. The kids in the third grade that teased you because you were fat, skinny, had glasses or didn't wear the best clothes changed the belief that you have for yourself.

In a perfect world, a child would grow up with support and knowledge that they deserve all that they want. Instead, children are taught that it's wrong to want a lot. It's bad to receive whatever you want unless you work hard and long hours, and then you also have to have a special reason that you deserve the reward.

This is all wrong. There is more than enough for everyone. The fact that you exist means you're allowed to order. You cannot take from others. This actually negates the system.

If you look around yourself, be happy for those who have more than you because really, it further strengthens the argument that there is enough wealth for all. Don't begrudge others, because in so doing, you'll only be reinforcing your own negative thoughts, once again directing focus to the negative rather than the positive.

The human brain can move a quark, the smallest particle we know of, simply by sending out waves of energy. This is not theory, but rather a fact which has been proven by modern science. Positive thinking releases positive energy and positive energy, gets positive results.

Changing the way we think and the way in which we have been schooled to believe, is by no means easy but it can be done. Admittedly, in order to tackle this immense task, you'll need all the tools you can find.

These tools, like self-hypnosis, binaural frequency waves and subliminal suggestion and affirmations, shoot past the logical portion of the mind into the belief portion, the subconscious. The help to clear away the old beliefs that stop you from using the cosmic ordering system to get everything that you want.

You can control your destiny by ordering exactly what you want. You have to be strong enough to believe that you'll get it. Use techniques that help you reinforce your belief that the cosmic ordering system gives you everything you desire. - 31955

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Have You Ever Wondered About Reading Faster?

By Dr. Jay Polmar

Have you ever declined joining a book club because you can't remember a word you read or because you can't keep up? If your reading speed is more tortoise than hare, perhaps it's time to look into a new way of reading.

But wait you say. It took years to learn how to read before. I just dont have that much of time.

Never fear! With our Speed Read Complete Family edition, you will be able to double your reading speed in only an hour in the privacy of your own home, dorm room, or office! Speedread America's time-tested procedure of teaching your brain to speed read has been taught in live seminars for decades all around the world and the ebooks have been translated into five languages.

Are you worried about studying speed reading online? Dr. Jay Polmar taught speed reading from 1979 to 1993 and then set up those same courses for you to learn online. Over 100,000 people have studied and you can too! Dont waste hundreds of dollars to read just a few words a minute faster with other methods? With our time-tested and guaranteed Speed Read Complete Family Edition "including four ebooks as well as 12 supplementary MP3 audio files which fit easily in any iPod or other MP3 player" we guarantee you will be reading noticeably faster and comprehending more in just the first hour or every penny of your money back.

Start your Speed Read Complete program (if you are a child, or if you have a child), with If You Can Read This, You Can Read Faster (specifically designed for school-aged children). Or, you can start with the higher-level, Speed Reading in Only One Hour and move to our Be Dynamic through Speed Reading. In our full course you will learn not only how to speed read, but also how to learn to control your sub-vocalization, vary your reading speed at will, batch process, and the all-important techniques of power thinking.

Not only will you double your reading speed in just the first hour, using our time-tested Speed Read Complete course, you'll be able to increase your memory, recall, concentration, note taking, and so much more. In less than three weeks, you could even see a rise at work or a dramatic rise in your child's GPA due to this new-found love of learning.

The Speed Read Complete was written based on a 3-day lecture course by Dr. Jay Polmar (, an accomplished author and university and community college professor who has over 40 titles to his name. Dr. Polmar has helped over 100,000 all around the world read faster and get ahead in both school and life. - 31955

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Time Management Skills That Will Help You Get More Time Out of Every Day

By Andrew Wood

There are 24 hours in one day, of which the average person spends 8 hours at work and 8 hours sleeping...

That makes 40 hours per week of free time that you can do with as you wish during the work week and an additional 32 hours of awake time on the weekend.

The average person actually spends twice as much time away from work than at it. So what should you do with all that free time? Over 72 hours a week in all!

First, you should realize that most successful people do not work forty hours a week. So you may start by applying at least eight of those 72 hours toward your work or furthering of your career.

If you have your own business, it will be easy to spend an extra eight hours of work productively. If you work for someone else you can take work home and show your boss you put in the extra effort that others do not.

Better still, you may want to use this extra time to start a business of your own...something that fits in with your hobbies and can be fun as well as profitable, like building furniture or painting homes.

You could start a marketing business, or maybe auto detailing service.

The possibilities are almost endless; and if you spend enough of your extra time doing them, you may well find you create another career for yourself. This is how many successful companies originated.

At least one hour a day should be spent in furthering your knowledge of your business or industry through reading, courses, and seminars. This takes another seven hours from your free time but still leaves you with just over fifty-seven free hours.

A minimum of ten to fifteen minutes should be spent on planning for the next day. Reviewing your plans for the day should be the first thing you do in the morning and always the last thing you do when you leave work at the end of the day.

You still have over 55 hours of free time to spend as you please, but rather than continue eating into your free time, let's take a look at how you can better use your work time.

Your Work Time

Many people complain of a lack of time to do all the required daily business tasks. The best way to resolve this is to plan your days in advance, in blocks of time, hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute.

By writing down how you plan to spend your time, you will quickly become far more productive. More productivity means more money and more success.

You must use your time wisely. Time is the only thing you have to sell to your business or company. How much of the time you spend at work is really spent doing work? The truth of the matter is very a little amount of it is spent working efficiently.

Instead you are probably spending the day as most people with poor time management skills do: putting out fires that other people started, writing memos, shuffling papers around, and sending your fifth email about the same subject because you werent clear enough the first four times.

Here is a simple eye-opener that will let you see just how much work you are really accomplishing. Show up at work tomorrow with a stopwatch and write down how you spend your time in five-minute intervals. Keep the sheet and stopwatch in front of you at all times.

As you start each new task, write down on the paper what that task is and start the stop watch. As you change tasks -- phone calls, interruptions from co-workers, etc.-- write down what the new activity is and how long you spend on it.

At the day's end, write these four key headings on a separate piece of paper.

1) Meaningful work

2) Wasted time (this includes interruptions, unimportant phone calls, etc.)

3) Dealing with problems.

4) Low priority/low return work.

List underneath each of your headings the tasks you have dealt with that day. Then add up the total time spent in each category.

Now you will have a shocking picture of just how few of the hours you spend at work are spent on high-priority, money-making, business growing, or goal-oriented tasks.

Instead, what you will probably find is that looking for information, interruptions, and wasted time are the winners in the battle for your precious time.

Create a Time-Efficient Office Space

This means to have all your tools and resources in working order and at your disposal. More time is lost through inefficient paper management and searching for misplaced documents than through any other cause.

Make a habit of keeping all your work areas and desks free of all paper except what is needed for the task at hand. When you are completed with the task that you were working on remove it from your workspace, mail it, file it, trash it, or do whatever action is applicable, but do not leave it on your desk or it will get lost and cost you valuable time.

Start Each Day With a Clear Plan

If you truly want to get the most out of every day, it is essential that you begin each with a clear plan. I usually plan the next day's events the night before. Take a day planner and write down all those tasks you want to complete the next day.

Write each task down on paper or in excel and number them in the order of importance. Start with the most important task and stick with it until you have finished it or reached the point that you wished to reach for that day. It gives me great pleasure and satisfaction to line out each task as it is accomplished.

After an overall list of tasks for the day, I plan the day's specific activities in 15-30 minute intervals using a daily planner. Plan all of your meetings and phone calls. Proper daily planning has allowed me to write 20 books on marketing and also manage a golf marketing company and a golf management company.

Be sure to always set a time limit on meetings, especially with people who are don't pay for your time. Stick as closely as possible to your time-lines.

If you schedule 45 minutes to talk to a marketing representative, then let them know that is all the time you can spend with them. They will make their points faster, thus allowing you to save time.

As you come close to the end of your allotted time for a given task, give a two minute warning to yourself via a stopwatch or by using outlooks calendar function. Try to bring your business to a close quickly and efficiently.

Be Sure To Write Things Down

Always keep a pen or pencil and by your phone. I can hardly believe the number of businesses I call only to be asked to hold while the person finds a pen and paper.

A pen and paper are the world's most essential business tools, and you should NEVER be without them. I keep my appointment book open on my desk and keep notes as I speak to people. I note why they called and how I am supposed to follow up.

In that way, I have a record of the time, date, and purpose of their call so I can refer back to it if necessary at a future date if I need it. I also always make sure to write a person's phone number under their name. In that way, I never have to search further than my appointment book or computer for names and addresses.

Don't Waste Your Time

Treat each minute as the valuable and precious resource it is. Every single person in this world starts out each day with the same amount of time in which to accomplish tasks and objectives. The only part that differs from person to person is how that time is used.

Successful people try to squeeze every second of opportunity out from the day, while those at the lower levels simply waste it away.

If you want to make $100,000 per year, you must make $40 per hour. That is .66 per minute! If you spend 20 minutes on the phone talking to your buddy down the street about Monday night's football game, you have just wasted $13.20 of your valuable time.

If you spend an extra half hour at lunch, you have just lost $19.80 of your time that could be spent better doing other things. Once lost, time cant be regained.

The next time you find yourself involved in a time-wasting activity, ask yourself this question. Would I pay my buddy down the street $13.20 in cold hard cash out of my wallet, right now, to listen to me talk about last night's game?

The answer, of course, is no. Yet, that is what you are doing. Wasting $13.20 of your cash, which should be dedicated to reaching your goals and serving your clients or business.

If you are working on a project and are interrupted by a call that takes ten minutes, it often takes another ten minutes to get back to what you were doing. Instead of being interrupted twenty times a day, schedule 30 minutes a day for returning phone calls that are not urgent.

These are calls from friends, salesmen, or other people who are not actual clients. Your time at work is far too valuable to allow constant interruptions. By setting a specific time, it also eliminates wasteful phone tag.

Let's say you wanted to make $60,000 a year, to do that you must make $5,000per month. This works out to be $1,153 per week, based on a 48-hour, six-day week, which we will say is typical for most successful people.

This breaks down further to be $192 per day or $24 per hour. You now have a powerful tool to help you reach your goals. You know exactly what you must make each and every hour that you are working in order to reach your desired income level.

Now let's see which of your daily tasks really produce that desired figure of $24 per hour?

Advertising your business or yourself to others.

Increasing your inventory of skills.

Researching marketing information and using it for your business.

These are some of the tasks that really could produce $24 per hour. Great marketing will always produce phone calls. Selling, whether it's a direct sale of your products or getting someone to give you an interview for a better job, definitely pays off.

Marketing can keep other companies involved in the life of your company and brings new blood in the form of contacts and prospects. Increasing your skills makes you more valuable to yourself and others, and this will pay off quickly.

Then, of course, there are the tasks that do not produce $24 per hour.

Paying bills.

Ordering inventory.

Typing letters.

Adding to a database.

I am not suggesting that any of these things are not important to the overall success of your business. Rather, I'm suggesting that you can find someone else to do these kinds of tasks for just a few dollars an hour, allowing you to focus on the important high-return tasks.

The Word No " The Most Powerful Word in Time Management

The simple act of saying, "NO," will save you more time, energy, and effort than you can ever imagine. In an overexerted effort to try to please everyone, we often find ourselves taking on more and more responsibility, activities and stress.

At some point, you simply have to say, "NO, I am sorry but that is not the most effective use of my time." Try it; it's not that hard, and the people asking get over your refusal very quickly. The minute you said no they started thinking of someone else that could help them, and have probably already talked to them.

Put aside X amount of time in your weekly plan to help your church, school, community, or friends. Once that time is used up, it is gone, and there is no more.

Remember the words of Napoleon who said, "You can ask me for anything you like... except my time. - 31955

About the Author:

How To Play The Game Of Life

By Andrew Goodman

It's actually simple, when you know how. Learn and accept the rules of the game of life, and play by those rules to get what you want. It's interesting, because when you actually start to question why you want anything in life, you very quickly come to the conclusion that the reason you want anything more than where you are is because you think you will feel better if you had it. The other thing you quickly realise is that you can't ever be truly happy unless you make movements towards your desires, towards your dreams out there ahead of you in your future.

The bad news is that you can never regress in life and be a happy person. When you have identified something that you want, you have to move towards that goal or you will feel not feel joyful. Life causes you to expand, to want more, to become more than you were before. You may keep up with this expansion and you may not, it is really up to you. Some go along with the expansion willingly, and live happy lives as a result. Others are more reluctant as they feel the tension between their desires and the life they are living, and they inherently know they should be the expanded evolved person they want to be. If you have powerful desires in life, and fail to keep up with them, you may choose to numb out the pain with some kind of behaviour or substance, or you may choose to end the pain and your life, by checking out early.

Some decide that they are incapable of keeping up with their own personal desires, and so they manage the distance between their present life and their desires by trying to limit their desires, by finding and participating in an organisation that agrees with them. But this is never really satisfying, and in any case, life is designed to provoke new desire in you, so you're going against a powerful force (besides, being a hermit isn't really that much fun).

The majority of people do not understand how to play this game called life. In their dis-empowered state they seek to control the circumstances and events of life to feel better, creating laws, rules and regulations from their place of powerlessness. If they understood the rules and were self-empowered, they would start to realise that they need not feel fearful of any other person, because they would understand how they get what they get. They would stop trying to think, and they would feel their way through life.

Furthermore, the only way you can ever come into your own power is by letting go of control of the outside world, its people places and things, and look inside yourself instead to seek control of the way you feel. Many great teachers throughout the ages have spoken of unconditional love, and this is what they meant. Unconditional love says "I will love (feel good) regardless of what the conditions might be. I will be who I really am and love you, even if you are feeling bad and blaming me or my behaviour for the way you feel". Conditional love says; "I will love (feel good) when you behave in a way that pleases me, but if you don't please me, I will disapprove of you and feel bad. It is your responsibility to behave in a way that makes me feel good." So how can we practice unconditional love? By focussing in a way that makes us feel good. Seeing things in a kind, loving, gentle light, giving people the benefit of the doubt. By knowing that nobody's done anything wrong and that all really is well. By demonstrating the loving person that you really are to the world, and feeling the true nature of your being.

Unfortunately the majority are trained away from their own true power as they grow up surrounded by people who are living conditional love. These well meaning caregivers need others to modify their behaviour in order for them to feel good. Unfortunately for you this trains you away from the only important thing in life; the way that you feel. The only thing of any importance to you, is the way that you feel. It determines everything that comes to you. Everything else really is irrelevant. So to get to this point where you can control the way you feel, and therefore how the world responds to you, you need to understand where your emotions come from and why they are so important to you.

What are the rules of this game we call life? Page one: How does life relate to you? Are you getting what you want in life? What determines one person's success or personal achievement over another's? How do some people live charmed lives while other struggle and seem to get nowhere? Is life all about luck or chance, and do we need to redistribute the world's wealth to make things more even? How is it possible to make sense of such a large and complicated system?

So many questions, but where to start? We need to stop trying to 'think' our way and start to 'feel' our way along the path. Emotions are a powerful guidance that few understand, but appreciation for them will lead to personal satisfaction and a joyful life experience. But before we discuss emotions, we need to talk about The Law. That's right folks, it's The Law of Attraction, the only law worth talking about.

Law of Attraction orchestrates everything, everywhere. Not just here on planet earth, but everywhere in physical and non-physical realities, of which there are vast numbers. So if you're going to have a joyful life, you probably need to know about it so you can play life by life's rules. Law of Attraction matches up like and like things. You may have heard the expression "Birds of a Feather Flock Together". What this means to you and me is that we attract to us things which match who we are. Match who we are? In what way?

It you consider your brain as a radio receiver and transmitter, with the ability to tune in to unlimited frequencies. Good feeling happy high flying thoughts have high frequencies and bad feeling, sad, depressing thoughts have low frequencies. When we tune into these frequencies, law of attraction will match us up with the frequency to which we are tuned. Tune to love and see the love in the world. Tune to beauty and see how much beauty there is in the world. Tune to abundance and see the natural abundance in the world. Of course the same goes for the negatives of all of these things, but I wouldn't recommend you look for those. It's not that these things have been created by your thoughts. They were there all along, it's just that you can see them now that you are tuned into their frequency. You have rendez vous'd with them.

So how does Law of Attraction apply to the real world? If I behave 'as if' I'm successful, will I become a success? Well, not necessarily. The Law of Attraction matches you up with things which match the way you feel about 'those subjects' in your life. If you feel successful, then Law of Attraction will match you up with situations which feel that way. If you only act or use words to pretend you are successful, but you still feel like a failure, then you cannot achieve success until you start feeling successful. You might even be a success in the eyes of others, but not in your own eyes. Feel the way you want to be, and let Law of Attraction bring you everything you want. - 31955

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Plan How To Start A Window Cleaning Business That Will Start Your Future

By Joshua Lieberman

If you want to know how to start a window cleaning business you are in for an exciting ride. It is great being your own boss but it comes with a lot of responsibility. You can have a good time making money and learing responsibility as a young adult by starting a window cleaning business.

How much time do you want to spend? You can decide how much time you have to devote to your new business. Can you do it five days a week or are you going to do it on the weekends. If you are a young person in school you will need to be realistic in your expectations of time to devote to your business, or if you are an adult who has another job or family obligations.

Consider your location and the weather. If you live where it rains a lot can you clean windows inside? If you live where you have to drive to your clients can you get there dependably? These are serious questions you need to ask yourself.

You will also need to have a price chart for your services. Don't just guess but do research and ask other companies what they charge or look at their price list. You don't have to tell them you are starting a business, just act as a customer when you call. Offer incentives for first time customers to win their business.

Hone your people skills and always act professional. It goes a long way when you are always courteous to others. Never be rude, even when someone is being rude to you. You will be appreciated and respected as a business owner that knows how to deal with people. The saying you catch more flies with honey than vinegar has a lot of truth to it.

If you are ready to expand ask your current customers to recommend you. Ask them if they can be references for your hard work. Make flyers and give special offers for a first time service or recommendation. Make yourself some business cards and have them readily available.

These are just a few good things to consider when starting any business, especially a window cleaning one. Remember to have a dedicated phone line that you can have business calls sent to with a professional recording that lets people know you mean business. - 31955

About the Author:

Finding A New Career In Window Cleaning Is Rewarding

By Jacob Phillips

What makes this all individuals is that we all have our own taste in pretty much everything, including our careers. Whether we like to be employed or self-employed, it's all an individual choice. What you should be looking for is that you like what you're doing and you are capable of earning a living from it. Perhaps you're ready for a change. You'd be surprised how easy it is. Like with finding a new career in window cleaning.

Window cleaning is not a job that most homeowners like to undertake on their own. It is a tiring task, and the dirty one at that. That's why, the majority of them prefer to pass it on to the professionals. That makes window cleaners, very sought after.

If you give your clients and exceptional service, you won't even have to advertise. A few good clients can easily start your career rolling by referring you to their friends and family members. There is no better advertising than free advertising.

Can you ask for anything more? It's a career that isn't very demanding and doesn't require a huge investment. With only a few supplies, and probably about a couple hundred dollars you could start your business.

You can also extend your business to the commercial side. Here you'll get contracts from the landlords or business owners. Getting contracts for storefront windows can earn you money all through the year. In addition to that, it only takes a few moments of your time to complete the job.

And of course, this is year-round work. So, you will always have an income throughout the year. In doing so, you will also be self-employed, and can work the hours you want to work. You can organize your schedule to have days off whenever you choose. Being self-employed has its benefits, also. There are tax deductions that you can claim where you couldn't otherwise do if you were an employee. - 31955

About the Author:

Successful People Know The Cosmic Ordering Secrets

By Janette Stretens

Cosmic ordering has become more and more in prominence lately and the idea has been endorsed by many celebrities. Just place your order with the universe and after a short wait, it will be yours!

Check out all the people in the world who are getting what they really want. You already know, though that it doesn't work for everyone. What are celebrities and other successful people doing that the rest of us not? Does the cosmic ordering service really exist?

If you've ever grumbled when you saw someone else win a great prize or get a promotion, then without realizing it, you placed an order to your cosmic ordering service. Envy and distain at another's success reinforces the fact that you believe you'll never have that success and invites the ordering service to bring you more misery and poverty for your lunch.

Consider going to dinner at a nice restaurant. What do you do if you see someone there with a lovely meal? You don't get angry about not having it, you just get excited and order it for yourself! You'd hope that they loved their dinner and you would be happy for themselves.

With that in mind, why not be happy at someone else's success? You'll find that you can take happiness in their success and understand that your own is just as sweet. Don't be angry or bitter or disappointed because that reinforces what you already have; you are essentially planning for failure.

Many religions tell us that prayer and the power of prayer can bring us anything we want. There's a catch. You have to believe. Recently scientists found that if you apply the principals of quantum physics to this same belief system, there is scientific evidence that what was scoffed as religious dogma is true.

The truth is that the application of the application of the mind's power and energy can make it happen. This is honest, simple proof.

If you are just using positive affirmations, the problem is that there is a lot that can stand in your way. Past experiences can negate your new hope, and this can get rid of a lot of the good that you are doing. Remember that while this can work, it can take time to really root out the old beliefs.

So what are the cosmic ordering secrets? You need to do a thorough housecleaning of your brain before you start any program to attain your life's desires. You need to start with a clean slate and realize it's okay to accept all the great wealth the Universe has to offer.

Lots of things can help you get rid of the old. Would you use a vacuum on a dirty carpet or a small tooth brush? There are lots of scientific designs out there that can help you make your mind more open to what it is you want.

Look at self-hypnosis, subliminal affirmations and binaural frequency waves to help you move forward. These tools are great when it comes to helping you get the results that you want, and when you use them, you can understand your own subconscious a lot better. This will help you avoid sabotaging your own attempts at success.

Your mind hates change. It fights to keep you in a steady state so unless you believe that you already have what you want, just by using your cosmic ordering system; it fights you tooth and nail. These additional tools help to believe you already are there and relieves you of the fight to improve. It even makes it uncomfortable not to achieve and receive everything you want, because you already believe it exists.

The cosmic ordering system can give you whatever it is you want. Pick out your order and then find a way to make it a reality! - 31955

About the Author:

Influence Of the Seven Chakras

By Jonathan Benjem

Chakras are the foci within our bodies where the energy which makes up our life force is generated. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel; a good representation of the spherical energy field the word refers to.

There are six Chakras which are located along the spine and a seventh one above these, removed from the physical element of your body.

We think of these Chakras as being composed of energy; but it is very important to realize that the Chakras are closely related to and have influence over your physical body.

A healthy alignment of all of the seven Chakras will allow you to maintain your own health and happiness during your life. It is important to understand what each of the chakras is, and what it does for you.


The Muladhara is the Chakra of your lower body. This is also known as the root or base Chakra. This Chakra relates to your survival and other instincts. Muladhara has to do with the potentiality of human life. This Chakra is located in the perineal region, near the base of the spine.

This is the Chakra which corresponds to the adrenal glands in the physical body and produces the fight or flight response.


The Swadhisthana is the reproductive Chakra, also known as the sacral Chakra. This Chakra corresponds to the genitalia and controls sexuality and the creative urge.

This chakra can also be responsible for the mood swings that might dominate lives at one point or another. It is symbolized by a six petal lotus. This chakra is in charge of the moods that you might have and the basic sexual and creative flows that exist in your body.


The Manipura is the navel. It is considered to be the solar plexus chakra. This chakra deals with the transitions that are found between base emotions and complex emotions. The chakra itself is in charge of base emotions and complex emotions, and dictates the way that they flow into each other. It deals with the flow of energy, the flow of digestion, and can be compared to the way that the pancreas functions in the body.

The Manipura is important in converting food to energy. It's symbol is a ten petal lotus.


The Anahata is the heart. This Chakra is responsible for love and other complex emotions, as well as your sense of equilibrium and well being overall. This Chakra corresponds to the thymus gland (located in the chest) and the immune system in the physical body.

This symbol of this Chakra is a twelve petal lotus


The Vishudda is the throat. This Chakra is responsible for your faculties of communication. This Chakra corresponds to the thyroid gland in the physical body. This Chakra is symbolized by a sixteen petal lotus.

It also controls your powers of communication and corresponds to the thyroid gland in the physical body.


The Anja is the eyebrow or the forehead. It is also considered to be the third eye. This chakra is in charge of being a model of its own envisioning. This is the chakra of time, light, and of awareness.

It is symbolized by a two petal lotus, and is in charge of regulating sleep and awakening. These are very important functions within the body, and therefore this chakra is very important.


Symbolized by a one thousand petal lotus, the Sahasrara is the seventh and final chakra. It is the chakra of consciousness. It communicates with the rest of the body in the same manner that the pituitary gland does. The Sahsrara is connected to all of the body systems, and is the key player in consciousness. - 31955

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Disguised Hypnosis or Black Ops Hypnosis--Hypnosis Course Review

By David Drake

Are you serious? You couldn't compare these two hypnosis courses if you tried? Underground Hypnosis, in spite of its extravagant title, is one of the worst hypnosis programs I've ever come across.

Underground Hypnosis is so pitiable and washed up that its a miracle there is hype surrounding it. Maybe you don't believe I'm telling you the truth--well don't let me stop you from purchasing Underground Hypnosis in order for you to see yourself how much black ops sucks.

Now, I knew that Underground Hypnosis, also known as black ops, was supposed to be distinct from other hypnosis courses, but the only feature that made it different was that the program creator didn't teach you anything that a first grader would not understand. There was no hypnosis or persuasion secret in the course, only filler and fluff that taught you nothing of any value. It's too bad those hypnosis review sites are dishonest to you in order to get commissions.

No doubt about it, Disguised Hypnosis is a zillion times better than the Underground Hypnosis course. Underground Hypnosis may wish it was like Disguised Hypnosis, but it's not. In fact, every promise that Black Ops makes is actually fulfilled by Disguised Hypnosis. Disguised Hypnosis is overflowing from the very beginning to the end with important information that applies to the art of persuasion.Heck, Disguised Hypnosis is also reasonably priced, and its literally the only hypnosis course out there that offers totally fresh content.

Disguised Hypnosis is the undeniable King of the hill when it comes to the art of persuasion and getting what you want. All the other hypnosis programs sell so called hypnosis tactics you can get at your public library, or they are in some way like the infamous Underground Hypnosis course that isn't worth two red cents.. - 31955

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Amazing Secrets Of Abundance

By Ben J Scott

To experiencie an abundant life, your life should be healthy and happy. It does not mean that you only get your happiness from the material things you possess in life. Even the relationships you have with other people around you are a great factor for your abundant life. Abundance in life is simply living in happiness from within.

This sort of true abundance is never accidental. While it may certainly seem that there are those lucky individuals who appear to live a charmed life, true abundance is not accidental. Whether a person harnessing the laws of the universe to experience abundance is doing so unconsciously or otherwise, it doesn't really matter. The good news is that anyone can change their lives so they can attract abundance.

Everyone can have an abundant life. If you want to start attracting abundance now, start by being grateful of the things and the people you already have right now. You should do this even if you are in such a situation where being grateful is the last thing you want to do due to the difficulties you are facing now. Instead of being bitter because others seem to have the best things in life while you are suffering hardship, be grateful still; and eventually you will realize that you do have a lot of things to be thankful for.

If you find it hard to think of things that you should express gratitude, why not keep a journal or a list of the things you have everyday. After a tiring day and before going to bed, make at least a short list of the things that you can be grateful for. It could be a safe trip home from work or from school; it could be a few friends who smiled at you; it could be the food and water you ate throughout the day; and many more. By giving thanks to at least five of these things every night, you will tend to think of more things to be grateful about each day. This is a very positive step in experiencing an abundant life.

Another thing to consider when attracting an abundant life is your emotional being. Everyone is made up of mixed emotions inside. But if you have decided to attract abundance into your life, you have to remove negative emotions from within you. These negative emotions can bring negative things into your life and block the opportunities that might be helpful in making your life abundant.

What you feel and what you think are the things that affect you and your personal being. If you think negative and you feel bad, you will tend to experience bad incidences as well. In order to attract abundance into your life, think right and feel right. Guard your emotions so as you will disregard negative feelings and guard your mind from thinking bad things against others so that it will not lead you to do wrong. Change yourself for the better even if you find it hard to do. In the end you will get the benefits and experience abundance.

In changing your approach to life and your negative beliefs into positive things, you will soon start to see the benefits. There are times you will find it hard to pursue, but the hardship that you will experience will all be worth it once you have achieved your goal of attracting abundance.

Hypnosis, self-hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, applied kinesiology, affirmations, BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) are just a few of the tools available to help people overcome unhealthy mental and emotional patterns and the beliefs that generate them.

These tools are helpful only if you are willing to change. If you can change your attitude to life the possibility of having abundance attracted into your life will be increased. You may face difficulties in pursuing self improvements and inner changes. Just go on and continue the process because you will soon experience abundance as you enjoy every steps of the changing process.

As you change yourself into someone better to attract abundance, you should grab all the good opportunities in order to achieve your goals. Expect the possibilities that different opportunities will soon arrive therefore you need to prepare your self. The best preparation that you can do is to gain further education through skill trainings and other form of activities where you can get more beneficial information.

In this difficult time of life, you can still make your life abundant by being positive towards life, focus on what is good and right, be grateful of what you have, and avoid negative thoughts and feelings. Now is the time to start experiencing a happy and successful abundant life. - 31955

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